Jerusalem is planning to resume the war in Gaza in four to six weeks in a decisive campaign to wipe out Hamas, The Washington Free Beacon reported on Friday.
The plan is to conquer the entire Gaza Strip in one fell swoop with more than 50,000 soldiers, relocate the civilian population to humanitarian zones, and wage a “ruthless ground campaign” in terrorist-heavy areas that will receive no humanitarian aid, the report suggests.
The campaign is set to commence with heavy aerial bombardments, followed by a reduction of humanitarian aid entering the Strip. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) divisions would simultaneously enter the Strip from the north, center, and south, carving it into three parts.
It appears that this is not just Netanyahu blowing smoke
about the impossible task of wiping out Hamas… or trying to divert attention
from his own legal problems… or an attempt to stay in power by appeasing his
extremist right flank. It seems to be a strategy with wide approval from
Israel’s military establishment.
The conventional wisdom has been that wiping out Hamas is
indeed an impossible task. Hamas is kind of like Hydra - the mythical Greek
multi-headed snake where each head that was cut off was replaced by two others.
The point being it was futile and counterproductive to even attempt to
eradicate them. The best Israel could hope for was what they had already
achieved: weakening Hamas to the point where they could no longer attack Israel
the way they did on October 7th.
I guess Israel does not buy into that conventional wisdom.
They apparently believe that a ruthless ground campaign in terrorist-heavy
areas—preceded by heavy aerial bombardments and a reduction of humanitarian
aid—will do the trick. I hope they’re right.
Because Israel will not be getting the world’s blessing for
this tactic. Not that I care much about European claims regarding Israel’s
immoral conduct in the war. But Israel will be ostracized even more for what
will surely result in heavy civilian casualties and accusations of using
starvation as a tactic of war. Europe had already accused Israel of genocide in
the last phase of the war. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has already
declared Netanyahu a war criminal and issued warrants for his arrest, which
even ‘friendly’ countries like Canada have said they will honor if he sets foot
there. And all that will look like child’s play compared to what’s likely
coming if I read this correctly. I can’t begin to imagine what the ICC will
dream up next to punish Israel.
And this doesn’t even touch on how the mainstream media will
present this to a gullible public willing to buy whatever they are selling. The
left side of the political aisle in this country will surely go apoplectic over
this, further dividing the country’s stance on Israel.
What’s much worse than any of that, however, is the cost to
Israel in blood and treasure for such a massive campaign. So many IDF soldiers
have already given up life and limb in Gaza. An incursion of this magnitude
will surely result in many more casualties. Rachmana Litzlan!
I don’t think I need to explain why Israel is doing this.
Nor do I need to explain why they are doing it now. They will have the
unfettered blessing of the leader of the free world to do whatever they want in
Gaza. Something they did not have during the last phase.
So, as much as I want to see Israel succeed here… and as
much as I really could not care less what Europe, the left, and the media say
about it… it still scares me. You cannot ignore the massive negative reaction,
even if you have the president on your side. And you can’t ignore grief that
will follow Israel’s own casualty numbers.
The downside is huge. And there is the possibility that it
won’t even work.
This should not be taken as opposition to Israel’s war
plans. I trust their military intelligence and completely understand their
needs. On the other hand, maybe this is just a tactic to scare Hamas into
submission. To force them to release all the hostages. If that’s what it is and
it works, then God bless them.
Actually, God bless them either way. (Still scares me, though.)