Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Public Apology

After thinking about it I realized that certain comments made in one of my essays were made in haste and therefore in error. Although I meant no slight to Rav Moshe Soloveichik, I never-the-less want to publicly apologize for anything I said that may have been hurtful to him. I certainly never intended to embarrass or harm him in any way. I specifically would like to correct a wrong impression I gave about his role in Yeshivas Brisk. He was appointed S’gan Rosh HaYeshiva together with his younger brother Rav Eliyahu Soloveichik. He was not, as I suggested earlier "passed over" in any way. This was an error on my part for which I profusely apologize. It was an error on my part due to a misperception. I should have known better.

I also apologize for publicly referring to him without his title as Rav. Even though we are peers in the sense that we all received Smicha together, in a public forum such as this, titles should always be acknowledged because not doing so can too often be perceived as a slight and this too was never my intention. I should have followed my Rebbe's example in this regard.

The last thing I ever want to do is be hurtful to people I respect. If any of my earlier words were read by Rav Moshe and deemed hurtful, I regret them and ask for Mechila.