Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Shining City Upon a Hill

As Ronald Reagan emphasized, America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.

This is yet another one of those days when I am proud to be an American. As Israel continues to fight for its very existence, the US Senate has unanimously passed (by voice vote) a resolution that asserts Israel’s right to self defense. In the resolution Hezbollah and Hamas were condemned as were their state sponsors, Syria and Iran.

This is the wonderful thing about the US. They know the difference between right and wrong. They know who is at fault here. And this is true across the entire political spectrum. But no one sees this in clearer terms than former house speaker, Newt Gingrich. He clearly understands what Radical Islam wants. And their willingness to do what ever it takes to get there. He too has called upon Israel to continue fighting until there is complete victory.

And of course the President deserves a lot of credit for his unwavering support as well. He has resisted all attempts by other world leaders to call for a cease fire. He knows that there is a job to do here. And Israel is doing it. And it’s about time.

The war on terror is really a war on radical Islam. And the good guys (the US) are finally realizing it. It is no longer sufficient to point to terrorists. It is an ideology that is being fought. This was made clear to most Amaricans in the US on 9/11. But I was beginning to wonder about this lately as more and more leftist congress people started calling for a withdrawal from Iraq. The Cindy Sheehans and John Murthas of the world were starting to get traction. Don’t they realize that such a withdrawal gives a victory to radical Islam?! It is after all the radical Islamists who are blowing themselves up as suicide bombing martyrs for Allah. The suicide bombers in Iraq are the same people who blow themselves up on busses and restaurants in Israel. Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al Qaida, Hezbollah… it’s all the same thing: radical Islam!

To be honest, I always felt that Israel should have been on the front with the US in Iraq. But the US did not want the Iraq war to be perceived as an Israeli invention. By leaving Israel out of it, the US probably felt that they can claim this war has nothing to do with Israel. I understand that.

But it has become painfully obvious that the US cannot do it alone. With Iraq on one front, Afghanistan on another… and Iran threatening the world with nuclear weapons there was just too many places for US military forces to be.

So in essence Hezbollah and Hamas did the US a favor by forcing Israel to go to war with them. Israel can join the fray and fight Radical Islam on it’s own front… in Lebanon and in Gaza. And with the US cheering them on until the job is done.

Aside from Israel ridding itself of an implacable enemy, by destroying Hezbaollah and Hamas, Israel will have 2 major players in the world of terror eliminated. And this victory will not be lost on Iran and Syria either. This will be a major victory in the war on terror.

Israel and the US are on the same side in this war fighting exactly the same enemy. May God protect our soldiers both Israeli and American (in Iraq) and bring them home safely.