Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Thank You

I have received many responses and good wishes both here and privately about my grandson Reuven’s illness. I want to publicly express my appreciation to the many, many of you who are keeping Ruvein in your prayers. I ask that as many of you as possible continue to do so. Prayer helps.

I would also like to thank the many who have suggested various practical options to follow, such as recommending Chai Lifeline and various specialists and clinics. I will forward all those suggestions to my daughter.

Reuven is a good boy and is taking his situation well. At age three he does not quite understand the implications of his disease. However, he is still a bit confused about suddenly being in a hospital with an IV in his arm and subjected to various tests. But having his mother and father constantly by his side makes him feel safe. And that’s somewhat comforting to me.

As the situation progresses, I will try and keep everyone abreast of developments. And I will periodically post in that regard. As of right now, his biopsy has shown that he has one of two types of cancer. When we find out exactly which one it is I will post it here. Today he is getting a bone scan to see if there are any other lesions. By Wednesday, or at the latest Thursday, we should know what he has and what his treatment plan will likely be.

My feelings of sadness and fear have given way to hopefulness and resolve to do what’s necessary to get him healthy. My wife and I are ready to do whatever is we can to help. The Torah community in St Louis has gone beyond all expectations in surrounding my daughter with love and support. So many people there have volunteered to help and are doing so. I cannot express enough appreciation to them for their unbelievable kindness. May God bless them. The hospital staff in St Louis has been just as caring, and both oncologists and orthopedists have been giving my daughter as much time as she needs to explain things and and comfort her. May God bless them, too.

In the meantime I will continue blogging on issues of the day that I feel strongly about and hope to post one later. While it seemed difficult for me to do that yesterday, I have been strengthened by family and friends as well as all those of you who wished my grandson well here and are keeping him in your prayers. God bless all of you.