Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Sound of Music

Due to factual errors the original post was deleted.

A word of expalantion is in order. I posted just before I went to work to a remote location this morning. I had no access to a computor. I was informed of the errors by cellphone and had to ask someone to delete my post for me quickly without much of an explanation.

I am now back and would just add that there were a bunch of mistakes, big and little ones... that were reported to me in error. My current information is from a more of a direct source. It is in fact deserving of its own post, but I have decided not to do so because of the original mistakes. I do not want to take the chance of misreporting the facts again, even though my information is more accurate now. My original source just made a honest mistake... mis-hearing or mis-interpreting information. To err is human and no malice was intended on my source's part or on mine.

Once again I apologize to all concerned and am sorry if anyone was offended by my inaccuracies.