Thursday, February 01, 2007

Reuven in the News

This coming Tuesday in both the AM and early PM news on television station KSDK, channel 5, the St. Louis local NBC affiliate, there will be a segment on Reuven Ben Tova Chaya Kirshner. The news director had heard about the case and thought the story was unique enough to be a featured story in several of its newscasts. Reuven’s story will be broadcast to the entire greater St. Louis area. They are already “promo”ing the piece.

For those in the viewing area who are interested, they can now “meet” my grandson, daughter, and son-in-law, as well as all those loving and caring people involved in his care.

Reuven is doing well and is continuing his chemotherapy. He is currently in the hospital as he spiked a fever after his last 3 day chemo treatment. This is quite common and has happened almost every time after that particular set of chemo treatment. His resistance to infection almost disappears because his white cell count is reduced to almost zero after that. Any infection at all is considered life threatening. So at the earliest sign of a fever, he is rushed to the hospital, cultures are taken and he is put on an anti-biotic IV.

Reuven has also been re-learning to walk after the removal of the fibula from his leg so that it could be transplanted to his arm where the cancerous bone was removed. That has been going very well. And his arm, too, seems to have returned to full mobility and use.

His spirits are high and so are my daughter and son-in-law’s. They have been Malochim, being caregivers to Reuven while parenting all 3 children, never neglecting to give the other two children the attention they need and making sure all 3 children get the discipline they need. They are true heroes who have risen to the occasion beyond all expectation. I am extremely proud of them. I don’t know how they do it.

Stage 4 cancer is a hard thing to beat. The first MRI and CT scan a couple of months ago was very encouraging and gave us all tremendous hope for the future. It also gave us a sense of the power of prayer. We know that there are hundreds if not thousands of people Davening for Reuven. He is on Tehhilim lists, and many individuals have taken upon themselves to say Tehilim for him. He is also on may Misheberach L’Choleh lists. In short his name is constantly mentioned in the context of Refuas HaNefesh U’Refuas HaGuf.

This coming Monday, he will be undergoing an MRI and CT full bone scan. We are all hopeful the results will be as good now as they were last time. We are all eternally grateful to HaKadosh Baruch Hu for all His Rachamim. And to all those who are keeping Reuven in their hearts, God bless you all.