Reuven's cancer has returned. A very small tumor has reappeared. Not unexpectedly although we were hoping for better. At this point there is an option for Reuven to get involved in a clinical trial with an experimental drug. Doctors are divided about whether to proceed. On the one hand it is important to be as aggressive as possible about it. On the other hand there is a quality of life issue.
This experimental treatment is done in conjunction with the same chemotherapy used in the first round of treatments. Although it is a lesser dosage it can still very easily compromise his immune system to dangerous levels. Worst case scenario - it would mean possible isolation from school – which he loves – and friends. Waiting a month seems to be an option recommended by some.
This experimental drug is in its infancy of being tested. So my daughter and son in law are trying to get some more clarity from other doctors to see which way they want to go. I will update this post as soon as I know.
As always I continue to thank everyone for all the prayers on his behalf.
Update: 4:48 PM CDT
After further consultation with doctors my daughter and son in law have decided to go ahead with the protocol. It begins this Monday. I pray for success and that the side effects be minimal.