68% thought it was very inspiring (A+)
22% thought it was mildly inspiring (B+)
3% thought it was
Parve (C)
4% thought it was
boring (D)
3% were sorry they came (F)
This is good news for Agudah. The overwhelming majority of respondents
fully 90% were inspired by the Siyum - mostly very inspired (68%)! Considering
that many (probably most) of my readers are not card carrying members of Agudah
- some of whom are often highly critical of them - these numbers say a lot. The
descriptions by commenters on the whole seemed equally enthusiastic. I also
sense from the comments that there was more of a
sense of Achdus at this Agudah event than at any other. Including a broader
spectrum of Orthodox Jews attending it.
Overall - Rabbi Eliyahu Fink’s linked post really captured the great spirit of the event and the contrast it had with other Agudah events. The only real criticism was more on the order of time
management where speakers went too long – ending the event past the time where
the last train home could be taken by many attendees. Those people left early and missed
Rabbi Lau’s address. Other than that – it was a hit. Big Time.
Congratulations to Agudah on a job well done.