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BMG RY - Rav Malkiel Kotler |
This is the sentence
handed down to Yosef Kolko who pleaded guilty to molesting an 11 year old boy
(now sixteen) in a camp where Kolko was a counselor. Although Kolko recently
recanted his admission of guilt – claiming he was pressured into it, the young
man he molested showed up at the hearing about his recantation, confronted
Kolko and said the following (as reported in an Asbury Press article):
“Molesting may seem harmless to you, but the reality is, it kills people,” the victim said. “How can you ignore the tears and open wounds when you know how much you hurt me? You ganged up on me and hurt me again.”
To their credit the
Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) came out with a statement applauding the courage
of the young victim for coming forward and reporting the abuse by Kolko to the
authorities. But the right wing has thus far remained silent.
The problem
is that the right wing rabbinic leaders of Lakewood Yeshiva (BMG) have not treated the victim
and his family well at all. They considered the father of the victim, Rabbi S -
a Moser. A Moser is someone who reports a fellow Jew to the authorities. The
victim’s father did that.
Not that it
matters – but Rabbi S is not just your average Baal Habos. He is a tremendous
Talmid Chacham. He is also Charedi just like the right wing rabbis who ostracized
him. This man, who is a hero in my eyes, actually followed the Charedi protocol
for reporting abuse to the police. He went to the rabbis first. He was told not
to report. They would investigate and find out the truth. Kolko was sent to therapy
where he reportedly admitted his crime. But when Kolko decided to stop going
to therapy and was allowed by the Lakewood rabbinic leadership to continue
teaching young boys in a day school, Rabbi S. went to the police. That’s when
everything hit the fan.
The Rabbinic
leadership in Lakewood has in fact caused Rabbi S and his family great pain. There
was a public campaign to humiliate this Talmid Chacham. Adding to it was the
fact that Torah VoDaath Rosh Yeshiva and OU Posek, Rabbi Yisroel Belsky sided with
Kolko… and continues to proclaim Kolko’s innocence hurling
all kind of insults at Rabbi S. Despite Kolko’s conviction. Rabbi Belsky remains
the conscience of some of Rabbi S’s critics bothered them enough to reverse
their views about Kolko’s innocence and they published a tearful apology asking for
his forgiveness. But thus farBMG’s
rabbinic leadership has remained silent.
Rabbis S was
hounded out of time back when this story first broke. Having had a prestigious
position in Lakewood - he ended up in another town joining a Kollel at a salary
that was so small that he can barely support his family with it. I am told by
sources that Rabbi
S contacted Lakewood’s rabbinic leaders and asked for his old job back. He has thus far been ignored!
So aside
from the emotional price this family had to pay, they also have paid a
financial price. I cannot tell you how outraged I am by this. The injustice here
screams from the mountaintop! Here is a man whose son was sexually abused. He kept
his cool and played by the Charedi rules – rules that he no doubt agreed with.
As painful as this must have been for him he did not report his son’s abuser to
the police. It was only when the abuser ignored the therapy he was supposed to
be getting and continued teaching young boys - that he went to the police. His
reward for doing the right thing was being destroyed by his own community.
injustice can never be fully repaired in my view. Certainly not for the victim
who will live with his abuse for the rest of his life. And not even for his
family that will no doubt feel the effects of this episode for the rest of
their lives.
But even though
it can never be fully corrected - there is something Lakewood’s rabbinic
leaders can do. They can apologize for the way they have treated him and give
him his job back.
I have no
illusions about Rabbi Belsky ever apologizing. He has made up his mind and does
not believe that his conviction proves anything. He maintains Kolko is innocent
to this day…and therefore considers Rabbi S to be a Moser of the worst kind –
informing on a fellow Jew about a crime that he did not commit. An innocent man
(according to Rabbi Belsky) is going to be serving time in a US prison – losing 15
years of his life!
I am not
going to waste my time insisting that a he apologize. Although I do wish the OU
would use its leverage with him to do so. He is a paid employee.
But that is
not my main concern. My main concern is that Rabbi S has his reputation
restored. And more importantly he be given his job as a Rosh Chabura (lecturer
in Talmud) in Lakewood Yeshiva. That is the least they can do.
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Rav Aharon Kotler, ZTL |
Rav Aharon Kotler’s Yeshiva has been handed down to his heirs. Currently his grandson Rav Malkiel Kotler is the Rosh HaYeshiva. The Yeshiva is flourishing. I ask, no I beg the current Rosh HaYeshiva to follow in his illustrious grandfather’s footsteps. Let him have mercy on a good family that has been victimized by sex abuse and then re-victimized by his community. Please… let Rabbi S have his job back and his reputation restored.
Even if they
felt that they were right and justice was served with respect to Rabbi S and
his family (i.e the Midas Hadin), let the kindness and compassion (the Midas Chesed of our forefather Avroham
Avinu so vividly displayed in last week’s Torah portion) override the Midas
Hadin. Let Chesed be the hallmark of Lakewood and give this man and his family
back their lives. It is the right thing to do.