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Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt (TOI) |
It appears that Rabbi
Jonathan Rosenblatt Shul board is trying to oust him as the rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center. A position he has held for 3 decades. The embarrassment of a
rabbi getting naked with his congregants and rabbinic interns in showers and saunas
has apparently gotten to them - and they want him out. Which is understandable – even if what he did
was technically not a violation of the law. (Which has yet to be determined. The Bronx
DA is still investigating this case.)
Their board will not stand with this rabbi in spite of his otherwise long term exemplary service. A service that brought him many
accolades by his peers throughout his career. They rightly concluded that his aberrant
sexual behavior over-rode his contributions. That there is no contribution; no accolade
that can paper over those indiscretions and the psychological damage it caused in
his victims. This is the right move. I
am very sad for this man and his family. But that sympathy does not justify
retaining him as a spiritual leader. He needs help and ought to seek it.
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Rabbi Marc Schneier and his then paramour & current wife (NY Daily News) |
You would think that. But you would be wrong. From the
Morris Tuchman, president of The Hampton Synagogue, in Westhampton Beach, N.Y., said that Rabbi Marc Schneier “has served, and continues to serve, our congregation in an exemplary manner and we are proud to have him as our rabbi.” … Rabbi Schneier is beloved by the congregation/community that he built over the last 25 years.”
Exemplary? Proud? I don’t think you can call Rabbi Shenier’s
behavior exemplary of anything, least of all exemplary of a rabbi. I don’t
know how anyone can be proud of this guy, no matter what he has otherwise supposedly
accomplished. Which is why I believe the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) was
right to have expelled him from its membership.
I have to ask, why the different reactions to fallen men of
distinction? While I agree the behavior of each man differed substantially from one another, there is not a question in my mind that neither deserves a pulpit,
much less praise for their exemplary behavior.
And yet when it comes to having an extra marital affair, that
seems to be more socially acceptable than getting naked in the shower with
congregants and interns – even of the same sex. And even if there was no
physical contact. Why is that?
Well one obvious answer is that we are talking about two
different populations that might have reacted the same way in both instances. The Riverdale Shul would reject both rabbis and the Hampton Shul would accept both. But my guess is that there is something else going on here. Something
that causes near revulsion for the behavior of one rabbi and acceptance of the
We live in a time where extra marital affairs are almost glorified
in the culture. Certainly in the entertainment industry. The idea being that we can’t help who we
fall in love with – or when. Even when we are happily (or not so happily)
married. How many divorces are there in this country that have been caused by
husbands (or wives) heads being turned by a member of the opposite sex they are not married to. One that they find having
a greater kinship with than their wives.
The idea of a
committed relationship seems to have gone the way of the Dodo bird in a world that
focuses so much on self fulfillment and self gratification. So much so that
when 2 people that are married are suddenly attracted to others, they simply
follow their heart instead of following what’s right. Isn’t this what Woody
Allen taught us by saying, “The heart wants what it wants” as his explanation for leaving Mia Farrow and marrying her adopted daughter?
So when Rabbi Schneier had his extra-marital affair, he was
following his heart. Just like Woody Allen did. Seen in that light the reaction by his Shul is
more understandable. One might say, “OK, the rabbi is not perfect.” “But who is perfect?” “No one!” “Rabbi Schneier should be judged by his
contributions and not by his weaknesses.” “Weaknesses that are as common in our
day as apple pie!” “Besides, he ended up doing the right thing by divorcing his
4th wife and marrying his 5th wife, the woman he really
loves.” What a happy ‘Hollywood’ ending!
A rabbi taking a shower and sitting in a sauna while naked
with young male Shul members and interns is not the stuff of Hollywood. At
least not the kind of stuff glorified by Woody Allen and a host of other
celebrities and politicians. It is instead the stuff of perverts and predators. Even if
it is not illegal to take a shower and sit in a sauna together with other
males. It is nonetheless too weird to let his accomplishments override it.
There has not been any glorification of this kind of behavior
in Hollywood.That’s the difference.
I agree with Rabbi Rosenblatt’s Shul board. They did the
right thing in expelling their rabbi. You do not want a man whose behavior can only be called ‘creepy’. Even if he did nothing illegal.
But I do not agree with Rabbi Schneier’s Shul. Just because his
behavior is glorified does not make it right. Cheating on your wife is never acceptable
and ought to be grounds for dismissal. The RCA got it right. His Shul didn’t.