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Lubavitchers that do outreach work - at a 2013 annual meeting |
One may be tempted to feel a sense of triumphalism because of
the thoughts expressed yesterday in a Forward article by Hebrew Union College Research Professor
Steven M. Cohen. But I am not so eager to celebrate just yet. Professor Cohen
has come to the conclusion that the American Jews of the future will all be Orthodox.
At least that’s the way the title of his article first read. It has been
changed. That’s probably because it is a bit of an exaggeration. But not by much
if one reads the article.
This is not news to those of us that have seen the
Pew Research statistics about the increase in the size of Orthodox Jewry
versus the decrease in size of all other denominations – including unaffiliated
Although Pew is one of the most respected research organizations in the world some have challenged their research parameters. As have some of the conclusions drawn from their research. But even if their numbers are off - the direction non Orthodox Jews are going is clear. Heterodoxy has failed while Orthodoxy has succeeded.
For me that is strong evidence that it is Halacha that has kept us alive throughout the millennia. I don’t think this is arguable. While culture has always played a role in how Halacha developed or is practiced, it is beyond clear to me that following it is what kept us going – and will continue to keep us going into the future. And it doesn’t help heterodoxy that they have small families versus Orthodox Jews which have large families. While Orthodoxy too has an attrition rate – a truly big challenge we face internally, it is no where near the attrition rate of non Orthodox Jews abandoning their Judaism.
For me that is strong evidence that it is Halacha that has kept us alive throughout the millennia. I don’t think this is arguable. While culture has always played a role in how Halacha developed or is practiced, it is beyond clear to me that following it is what kept us going – and will continue to keep us going into the future. And it doesn’t help heterodoxy that they have small families versus Orthodox Jews which have large families. While Orthodoxy too has an attrition rate – a truly big challenge we face internally, it is no where near the attrition rate of non Orthodox Jews abandoning their Judaism.
What it is about Halacha that perpetuates us? The obvious
answer for those of us that are believers is that God promised us in the Bible that we would always exist as His nation. Never to be completely wiped out. That is the spiritual
reason. But I believe one can see a more practical reason. Former British Chief
Rabbi - Lord Jonathan Sacks has called it ‘The Dignity of Difference’. Which is
the title of a book he wrote on the subject. It is our differences that have
kept us unique and identifiable as an entity. Assimilation – if it is total is
indeed a melting pot to the extent that it erases our identities. If Jews are
the same as non Jews in every way, then belief alone will not not carry us into perpetuity. Our children may
not have those beliefs. If we behave like everyone else – we become everyone
else. If we walk like a duck…
Culture is not enough to keep us distinct. That’s because it changes over time and differs among different societies. Often cultural distinctions cease to be unique to us and are adopted by host cultures. For example Yiddish used to be exclusively the language of the Jewish people. Now
one can find many Yiddish words in an English dictionary. And how many Yiddish speakers are there today anyway (except in isolated conclaves like Satmar)? While the incorporation of Jewish culture is great in
terms of our acceptance - it is not something that keeps us unique. Only
Halacha does that - as I have said countless times. That is ours and ours alone. It keeps us
different, unique, and gives us dignity if we practice it the right way.
This was the mistake made by the Conservative movement. It was founded with the intent of conserving Judaism – as its name suggests. But it has failed in that mission. Some of their leading lights (like Rabbi Jack Wertheimer) have identified the
real reason for its failure. Their leaders have by and large ignored the lack of Halachic practice in most of their members. They believed that coming to Shul on
Shabbos was enough to keep them Jewish – even if they drove there. Clearly that
hasn’t worked. And now they are scrambling to keep themselves relevant by turning
to secular or traditional Israelis in the belief that their mission will succeed there. They believe – with some justification – that Israelis will never assimilate
out in a Jewish state. Although I’m not sure how successful they will be even
if they gain the official recognition from the State they are fighting for.
Perhaps there will be a remnant of non Orthodox Jews in the America in the future. But the handwriting
is already on the wall. It won’t last any more than other non Halachic movements of Jewish history lasted. In some cases even Halachic
movements like the Essenes died out because they were too far out of the mainstream.
All this may sound triumphalist. But it isn’t. I do not feel
good about what’s happening here in America. Yes, I’m gratified that my beliefs
are vindicated by a positive statistical outlook for the Orthodoxy of the future. But the fact that
the vast majority of Jews here are not Orthodox or observant in any real way is
very depressing. The numbers are staggering.
Conservative Judaism was not wrong
in identifying the problem back in the melting pot era of its founding. They saw Judaism being challenged and they wanted to do something about it. They were
just wrong in how they went about it. The question is, what do we do about
The obvious answer is outreach. In my view, in light of the
dire circumstances cited by Professor Cohen we need a far more aggressive approach to
reach out to our fellow Jews. Not aggressive in terms of force. But in terms of
interactions with them. We are simply not doing enough. Orthodox Jews may feel satisfied
living among themselves and leading their lives according to Halacha more or less oblivious to what is happening to non observant Jews. And even if they are aware of this problem they might say, ‘There’s nothing we can do about it anyway’.
But that is absolutely false. Ask any Lubavitcher.
We can and should do things as individuals. Like making a
public Kiddush Hashem in the way we behave. We should be role models if we are truly observant. We ought to go out of our way to be open, warm,
and welcoming to all Jews regardless of their denominations. Never disparaging
their movements or rabbis. Invite a fellow Jewish worker and his family over for a Shabbos
meal. Let them see what keeping Shabbos is really like. Take pride in who you
are as a religious Jew. Much can be done by each of us that isn’t being done
now by most of us.
Organizationally Lubavitch is by far the most successful outreach
group. But they can’t do it alone. Even if you factor in every single Jew that
became a Baal Teshuva through their efforts, it is still a drop in the bucket compared
to vast numbers of Jews leaving Judaism. If a 70% intermarriage rate among non
Orhtodx Jews doesn’t send us this message, nothing will. And Lubavitch by far
has the greatest numbers of Baalei Teshuva. Probably more than all other
outreach groups combined.
I therefore suggest the following. All segments of Orthodoxy
must come together in one singular cause. If there was ever a reason for unity
this is it. It doesn’t matter whether one is Charedi, Chasidic, Lubavitch, Sephardi, Centrist, or left wing Modern Orthodox. The leaders of these groups ought
to meet and unite in the singular cause of doing what the Conservative Movement
tried to do – keeping Jews Jewish.
No stone should be left unturned. Instead of working at
cross purposes and getting in each other’s way – outreach ought to be coordinated
among all such groups. This ought to be the highest priority for us in light of
the spiritual Holocaust that seems to be taking place. We need to put our differences
aside and work towards the same goal of perpetuating Judaism for as many Jews
as possible.
I would go one step further. I believe that many of our
heterodox brethren truly care about keeping Jews Jewish – despite their failures
of the past. I know many formerly Conservative Jews that became Orthodox with
the full approval of their Conservative rabbis. Although those rabbis would have
preferred that their people remain Conservative, they are far happier when
they go right than when they go left - and out of Judaism altogether. I am also
aware of Conservative rabbis feeding some of their teenage members to NCSY
events. This is something that should certainly be explored and expanded upon
in my view.
It is not an impossible dream. But it will take courage and
determination by all involved. It is far more important to see a Jew following
Halacha than it is to see him adopt a specific Hashkafa. In this regard, NCSY
is a leader since their Baalei Teshuva can be found in all streams of Orthodoxy.
It is more than time for all Orthodox segments that feel
their own way is the only – or even the best way - to rid themselves of that feeling
and work towards reaching out to all Jews for one purpose: to return as many
Jews as possible to the only form of Judaism that has proven to be legitimate:
observant Judaism. And let the peripherals – like what kind of hat to wear - take
care of themselves.