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Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky (Jewish Week) |
There is no doubt about what to do when there are credible
suspicions of sex abuse. The consensus on this is enormous: Victims, victim advocates,
mental health workers, the police, and a large number of respected Poskim (like Rav Elyashiv, ZTL) all agree. Credible suspicions of sex abuse
must be reported directly to the police.
And yet there are other respected Poskim that say
one must first report those suspicions to rabbis. And let them determine what
is and isn’t credible. They justifiably fear that an innocent person might be accused
and therefore along with their families will suffer the lifelong consequences of public
accusations - even after being completely exonerated.
While that is a legitimate fear, the the fear of
what almost always happens to victims that are not believed is a far worse
consequence ending in lifelong depression - and sometimes even suicide. Victims are in essence abused a
second time when they are disbelieved and treated like dirt.
There are additional arguments against going to
rabbis first. First, they are not really trained to know which accusations are
credible and which ones aren’t. Second, there is the fact that no matter how
ethical and honorable a rabbi is, bias is inevitable in cases where they know the accused and especially when the accused is a prominent member of the community that is otherwise an exemplary citizen.
The tendency of rabbis to believe his denials over those of a child cannot be dismissed.
And even in those rare instances where there
is a false accusation and the attendant repercussion of even having been accused of sex abuse... that would still
have a better outcome than the reverse, where a victim is disbelieved and
victimized themselves and treated as liars and reprobates.
There is also statistical evidence
that strongly suggests that victims of sex abuse rarely make up these stories. They are almost
always true.
That is why there is wide consensus among all of
the above to go directly to the police and let them sort it out. That is my
position as well.
But rarely does not mean never. And the effects of
a false accusation should not be dismissed either. It does happen. I know of several
cases where that was the case. One of them was reported here a while back by Rabbi Dovid
Landesman, ZL. In short - when he was the principal of a religious school a
student reported that he was abused by a teacher. Rabbi Landesman sensed that
there was something off about this accusation. Rather than going directly to the
police, he investigated it and eventually got the accuser to admit it wasn’t true. That student was upset by a teacher and wanted to hurt him.
Thankfully that teacher never had to suffer the consequences of the public exposure that kind of accusation would have wrought. It would have tainted him and his family for life – even after the police would have come to the same conclusion Rabbi Landesman did.
Thankfully that teacher never had to suffer the consequences of the public exposure that kind of accusation would have wrought. It would have tainted him and his family for life – even after the police would have come to the same conclusion Rabbi Landesman did.
Which brings me to the case of Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky, a charismatic 40 year old married teacher and father of four. He had been
accused of sexually abusing three boys when he was head of the lower boys
division in a Kiruv summer camp. I
am not going to describe the disgusting details of those accusations. Suffice it to
say they turned my stomach. Nor am I going
to describe the behavior of those three children displayed after the alleged abuse. Can’t
really stomach that either.
The alleged abuse was reported to the police and
investigated. After which it was concluded that the abuse likely happened.
Incredibly Rabbi Krawatsky was never prosecuted. The final determination was that there
was not a preponderance of evidence to convict at trial. He was not
exonerated. But it was determined that the allegations were unsubstantiated.
I don’t know Rabbi Shmuel Krawatsky. Never met
him. Don’ know a thing about him. The ingredients of abuse seem to be clearly
there as described in the Jewish Week article. For his part Rabbi Krawatsky denied everything and claimed
to be completely innocent of all charges. He apparently passed a lie detector
test to that effect.
He was nevertheless fired from his job teaching at
both a day school and a Shul in Baltimore. He is currently suing the three
families accusing him for 75 million dollars.
I am not here to defend Rabbi Krawatsky. My strong
inclination is to believe his accusers. There seems to just be too much
evidence of abuse. But what if it never happened? If on the outside
chance that it didn’t, this man will nevertheless lose any chance to pursue his
profession as a teacher of young children. He will live in dishonor for the rest of his life. His family will forever be tainted.
Even though the evidence seems so strong, the fact that the authorities say
that the abuse is unsubstantiated, he passed a lie detector test; and to the best
of my knowledge had never been accused of anything like that before or since... makes me wonder if my inclination is right. As noted there are more
than a few cases – in some cases involving people I know - where I am 100% certain
that abuse never happened.
I would further ask whether in the current climate
where there have been so many prominent and powerful people that have been
exposed as sexual predators to one degree or another, that it might be
impossible to not automatically believe any accusation to be true assuming
guilt until proven innocent. It is almost as though anyone that wants to hurt
someone for the slightest of reasons will just accuse them of abuse and be
believed. This is where I believe we are at right now as a society.
Please do not misunderstand. I have not changed my
views about reporting abuse directly to the police. Nor do I doubt that the
vast majority of accusations are true. Especially in cases like Rabbi Krawatsky
where the accusers were minors.
But that does not free me from the concern about
the possibility that he might just be innocent. Nor does it free me from worrying about the possible increase in false accusations that may arise because of the current #MeToo climate.
Good people may suffer needlessly on both
sides of the equation depending on the actual facts: Real sex abuse victims who are
disbelieved and those innocent of it that are accused because of the possible increase in false accusations. The waters have been muddied.
Just thinking out loud.