Wednesday, May 22, 2019

"There Has to be Something!"

Don McGhan (New York  Magazine)
I don’t get it. I really don’t. I can’t understand why it is that - after 2 years of a deep probe by Special Counsel Robert Mueller saying in an over 400 page report he found nothing indictable about the President - why is it that Democrats can’t just leave it at that? Why must they recall witnesses that spent many hours testifying before the special counsel to re-testify before them? Do they think Special Counsel Robert Mueller over which so many of them fawned throughout his 2 year long investigation with unlimited resources is suddenly inept or dishonest? Even after so much praise and credibility they gave him in both of those things?

And why is it only Democrats that are so consumed with this? Why aren’t Republicans demanding the same things?

I think the answer is obvious. Same answer as before. They were all in a state of complete disbelief when their predictions about what the Mueller probe would find never materialized. How could that be?! The evidence they already knew about was surely enough damning enough to prove Trump guilty of indictable crimes. After 2 years and hundreds of hours of testimony - how could Mueller come to the conclusion that there wasn’t enough? 

They are not going to let a little thing like disappointment with the results of Mueller Probe stop them. They want Trump out. And by golly they are going to find a way to do it – no matter what they have to do to make that happen. 

They will recall every witness and cross examine them six ways from Sunday until they find something to pin on the president. They will subpoena anyone with any connection to Trump to find dirt on him. They will subpoena his tax returns many years before his election to see if they can find any wrong doing there. There has to be something they can find somewhere with a guy like this.

What gets me is the righteous indignation expressed by these political phonies. They constantly claim that it’s all about their congressional oversight duty. That is how they have expressed their umbrage about the refusal of witnesses like Presidential Counsel Don McGhan  to honor their subpoenas. How dare he refuse a subpeona that congress has every right to issue. McGhan and other Trump advisers have spent many hours testifying to the Special Counsel. Trump has had enough. How can anyone blame him from not allowing what amounts to  a political witch hunt after a 2 year thorough investigation where he allowed all those same witnesses to testify to their hear'ts content. Which they did. 

And now Democrats want to do it again?!

If I ever had any doubts about true motives of politicians being anything but partisan, this has eliminated them. I have no respect for Democrats now. Just as I had no respect for Republicans when they did it to Bill Clinton. 

This is nothing more than about finding a way to get rid of a man whose conservative political policies are anathema to them. The Supreme Court having changed the from the liberal course it has been on for decades to one that is conservative is the prime example of what sticks in their craw. For example - they see abortion on demand as the inherent right of every woman to do what they want with their own bodies. What they don’t see is that there is another life involved. The new Court is poised to change all that. (Not that I am in favor of it. I am actually opposed to reversing Roe V. Wade for reasons beyond the cope of this post. But so too - am I opposed to the idea of abortion on demand for no reason other than a woman’s right to do so. The hell with the fetus.)

Make no mistake about it. Democrats are using Trump’s overtly despicable character as a springboard for eventual impeachment – their righteous indignation is a facade disguised as doing their due diligence in congressional oversight.

The sad part for me is that everyone doesn’t see it that way. Including the mainstream media that presents the Democratic point of view with more validity than the Republican point of view – all while trying to sound objective. 

With the country split pretty much along liberal-conservative lines, it should be no surprise that the Democratic way of seeing things is the majority view of the country. The way the media presents these issues surely influences many people.

For me the partisan nature of all this is so obvious that I cannot (as I said) understand why everyone else doesn’t see it the way I do. 

But they don’t. Liberals will surely side with Democrats and conservatives will side with Republicans. And they will each use their political talking points to make their case. Just as was the case with Clinton 20 years ago.  Only today  the partisanship is worse than ever. And nothing is getting done. Thank you Nadler and Schiff!

Wouldn’t it be nice if it were the issues congress was focusing upon instead of trying to get the goods on the President? I think it would.