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Jacob Daskal outside of court after being charged with sex abuse in 2018 (NYT) |
Today, the patrol keeps a close eye on anti-Semitic attacks, which have become a pressing concern again in recent years, particularly those targeting ultra-Orthodox Jews. It has also evolved to handle tasks like crowd control, searching for missing persons and providing security at weddings, religious services and other events.
The Borough Park patrol enjoys a close relationship with law enforcement authorities and elected officials, who have helped steer public money its way to help pay for equipment.
Shomrim’s founder, Jacob Daskal might therefore be treated like a hero. Which is understandable. But as so often seems to be the case with people of great accomplishment sometimes they end up being the worst kind of human being.
(Daskal) sexually abused a teenage girl for several months in his home, at a summer house in upstate New York and at a hotel in Chicago, federal prosecutors said on Thursday.
The allegations against Jacob Daskal, 62, were outlined in a federal indictment that added new details to statutory rape charges that were filed against him in state court nearly three years ago and that officials said involved the same 15-year-old victim.
In announcing the federal charges, prosecutors said Mr. Daskal’s prominent position with the safety patrol and his insistence that the teenager keep the abuse secret had made her feel intimidated.
Does this scenario sound familiar? It should if your memory is not too short. This is almost identical to another high profile Orthodox Jew who did the same thing. Nechemya Webberman groomed a young girl he was ‘counseling’ to have sex with him. In his case over a period of years. he got a 150 prison sentence for that.
The same thing happened to Daniel Greer, a Rosh Yeshiva who was a man of great accomplishment and thought of as an icon of virtue – until the student he sexually abused exposed him. Greer was arrested and convicted, too.
Daskal protests his innocence. I suppose it’s possible. But I also suppose it is highly unlikely considering that the vast majority of victim accusations are true. He is out on a 4.5 million dollar bond.
I have to wonder how many people in the world are capable of abusing another human being for their own sexual gratification. I am beginning to believe that the number is huge. Much bigger than anyone might imagine. That it doesn't happen as much as a huge number would indicate might just mean that most people with that inclination won't get the opportunity. Or that they fear the possible consequences enough to restrain their impulses.
But people that achieve great success and fame come to believe they are invincible. Prominent people that are celebrated by the public will also find more opportunity. That deadly combination is what motivates people like Daskal to act. - while the average lowlife will not. They believe they can do anything they want and get away with it.
The list of people like that seems endless. Icons of humanity that nonetheless feel little if any guilt abusing innocent people, to satisfy their lust. The latest of which is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Once in a position of power his darker side came out believing he could abuse whomever he wanted with impunity. This was the case with a lot of politicians. Just to name a few: JFK, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Hart, John Edwards...
This is not to say all of humanity is like that. Of course they aren't. There are some real heroes in the world that revile people like this. Hopefully that is true about the vast majority of humanity. All I am saying is that there are probably a lot more lowlifes that - but for lack of opportunity and/or fear of the consequences would do the same thing.
Daskal is one of those lowlifes. He joins the ‘wall of shame’ with a great many others of high stature. But when an Orthodox Jew does it, it reflects on on us all. As an Am Kadosh… a holy people we are obligated by God to live by a higher standard. No matter what are base inclinations are or how invincible we feel. Because unleashed, their actions not only hurt innocent people, it hurts them, ihurts heir families, and it hurts the Jewish people And it is a terrible Chilul HaShem. The only just punishment for people like Daskal is a very long prison term.