Monday, July 03, 2023

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Image from the Times for illustration purposes
Déjà vu all over again. This redundant phrase was one of the many humorous catch phrases coined by  New York Yankee catcher Yogi Berra who had a unique sense of humor. This is what I thought of when I read the latest story about certain Chasidic schools denying their students a basic education in Limudei Chol (secular studies).  

Both the New York Times and the Times of Israel carried a story about an investigation that made that determination. Only this time it was New York City instead of the State of New York. There is nothing new to report. I wasn’t going to bother commenting on this story for that reason. But I am compelled to do so by my conscience. Maybe this time someone will listen.

Fist let me dispense with the 300 lb gorilla in the room. The focus by the defenders of these schools  was not on the school's deficiencies. It was on the bias they accused the Times - motivated by anti Israel; anti Charedi newspaper with a long history of anti Orthodox animus.

I have no way of knowing how true that is . But it doesn't really matter. Who investigated this story or why - is irrelevlant. What is relevant is what they uncovered. Which is the following.

Male students still do not get even a rudimentary education is the English language or any other basic subjects like basic math. Their entire day is spent on Limudei Kodesh (religious studies). 

There is no substantive reason for denying the boys an education in Limudei Chol. The idea padding the day with all religious studies at the expense of secular studies is not a Jewish idea. Judaism believes that there is value in Limudei Chol. 

If Judaism truly believed there was no value in Limudei Chol then there would be no such thing as a religious Jewish school that offers a dual curriculum of Limudei Kodesh and Limudue Chol. But fact is that the vast majority of religious schools do. Even large mainstream Charedi schools like Torah Vodaath whose students take the Regents exam.

So why do these 18 Chasidic schools do it? Why are they fighting the requirement to do what almost every other Orthodox School does? I suppose part of the answer is that they actually value the extra religious studies that would not be offered if they were to divide the day between religious and secular disciplines. 

But I think it is just as legitimate to say that they refuse to offer a secular studies curriculum in order to perpetuate their isolation from the rest of society (the Goyim). Whose values they see as entirely immoral - to be avoided at all costs. Unlike their counterparts in other segments of Orthodox Judiasm, they fear that teaching them be more fluent in the English languages is a slippery slope toward assimilation and eventually out of Judaism.  

They are fighting the government as though their very existence as Jews were at stake.And they are being defended by many Orthodox advocacy grouo. Most notably the Agudah who expnded great efforts in that cause. 

They have been saying that Chasdim have the right to educate their children any way they see fit as a matter of religious freedom. They further argue that they don’t need Limudei Chol in order to lead productive, fulfilling lives. 

In fact that is quite true. Public schools could learn a thing or two from a community that does relatively well in terms of supporting their families while instilling a strong sense of family values into their children.  Chasidim do qu can justifiably say that they do not need to be educated in order to survive and even thrive. They are basically happy with their lot

Granted. But being able to provide for one’s family is not the sole purpose of getting a secular education. As I have said many times , it serves no purpose to be so ignorant of the English language they are unable to put 2 sentences together without making mistakes that even a 3rd grader wouldn’t make.

Yes, tey have the right to be illiterate. But in my view they have an obligation not be. ignorant.  If they believe (as I’m sure they do) that there way of life is the most accurate way for a Torha Jew to livew can live, then thd message they send is tat ignorance is a Jewish value. That does not speak well of people that are supposed to be an example of Godly ways.  Being illiterate is not a Kiddush HaShem. It is not enough that many non Jews admire Chasidim and their family values. That they are nevertheless ignorant of the basic language of the country is not something to admire. It is sometimes the subject of ridicule in private. 

Is this the kind of image they want to project? Unfortunately I think the answer to that question is that they don’t really care about their image to the Goyim.. They tend to believe that deep down they hate us anyway. So why bother? It isn’t worth the chance of becoming assimilated by making their language skills any better than a 3rd grader. 

Ironically Chasidic women do not have this problem. the do get a secular education. If that is the case, than how do they reconcile that with the view that a secular education will place them in danger of assimilation? 

I think they might answer that by saying since the men are the head of the family, they are ones taking the lead on whether to interact with non Jews, which their lack language skills prevent them from doing that well. 

And none of that even addresses the fact that a secular education will expand the opportunities for them to make a better living.

The reality is however, that a recent court decision in New York state placed the burden to educate children squarely upon the shoulders of the parents, Not the schools. Schools can therefore not be penalized for not offering a secular studies curriculum. Only parents can. And enforcement of that law is a near impossibility. 

So, I guess these cahsidm got ehat they wanted. And there advctes must be happy thatthier efforts to get the government to leave them alone has succeeded. cthese 18 shcools will  continue ot perpetuate ignorance and here is little if anything anyone can do about it.