Thursday, July 06, 2023

Is it Antisemitic to Say that Israelis are Baby Killers?

BBC news anchor, Anjana Gadgil hosting Naftali Bennet  (VIN)
The BBC is antisemitic. There is not a doubt in my mind about that. Although I'm sure they would consider that a major insult and patently untrue. After all they would probably be the first in line to condemn Neo Nazis if they attacked a synagogue and killed a few Jews. How dare anyone say that they are antisemitic? Well they are - even if they don’t realize it.  

That is the way of the extreme left wing that governs the BBC. They will condemn anything and everything remotely right wing. Neo Nazis are just seen as an extreme extension of a right wing philosophy.  Clearly they don’t like Nazis. But that does not make them any less antisemitic.

The left is animated by compassion for the underdog. They see people suffering under the rule of a powerful nation as a sympathetic David. And they see the ruling powerful nation as an unsympathetic Goliath - responsible for David’s misery. No matter what the circumstances. Never considering for a moment the complex set of issues that precipitated  and perpetuate their misery. One of which is over a century of irrational Jew hatred instilled into their consciousness from cradle to grave, by family, teacher, clerics, and politicians.

It doesn’t matter to them if their David is a mass murderer or a killer of innocent women and children. To the extreme left they are freedom fighters. No match to their powerful Goliath oppressor.  In desparation, their young become freedom fighters. Using the only means left available to them: Terrorist attacks of opportunity. If they happen to kill woman and children, so be it. That is he only way anyone will pay attention to them.

The extreme left of the BBC must buy into that argument -  even as they might pay lip service to the fact that their victims were innocent children. 

So when the powerful Goliath tries to eliminate those terrorists they are called baby killers if  their targets were under18.  David on the other hand cannot be blamed for killing actual babies.  How else is he going to be able to fight the oppression of Goliath?! 

That has to be the thinking of a BBC news anchor during an interview with former Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett. From VIN: 

In an unfathomable and simply evil twisting of reality, a BBC anchor accused Israel of “being happy to kill children” in an interview with former prime minister Naftali Bennett about the operation in Jenin. 

The host, Anjana Gadgil, began by saying: “The Israeli military is calling this a ‘military operation,’ but we now know that young people are being killed, four of them under 18. Is that really what the military set out to do? To kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?” 

“Quite the contrary,” Bennett responded. “All 11 people dead there are militants. The fact that there are young terrorists who decide to hold arms is their responsibility. At the end of the day, over the past year, we’ve had over 50 Israelis murdered, in many cases by terrorists sent by Jenin. Jein has become an epicenter of terror and we have to neutralize the terror. Otherwise, they’ll continue killing us.”

“Terrorists but children – Israeli forces are happy to kill children,” was Gadgil’s mind-boggling answer. 

Children. As though a 17 year old that became a terrorist murderer can be excused because he is a child. This is what passes for serious journalism on the BBC?! 

I would be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that Ms. Gadgil, truly believed she has the moral high ground. To her twisted sense of morality poor ‘David’ is fighting for his freedom. He may have gone too far, but who can blame him? 

That  the ‘Gadgils’  of the world exist is just a fact of life, they see Goliath oppressing David’s people so David takes out his ‘slingshot’ and kills off some of the enemy. ‘Goliath’ trying to neutralize a 17 year old ‘David’ is seen as baby killing.

That the BBC gives them a platform and respectably is because they think the same way. They see the same David and the same Goliath. Expressing the same sympathy for David and the same antipathy for Goliath. That is the only explanation for why Gadgil is given  her platform. They think alike. 

That the BBC gave a lukewarm apology after hearing all the criticism does not  mean they had an epiphany about Israel’s right to defend its people.  They only apologized for the tone. Not the substance: 

“While this was a legitimate subject to examine in the interview, we apologize that the language used in this line of questioning was not phrased well and was inappropriate,” it added.  

Like  Gadgil - the BBC believes it has the moral high ground. They see ‘David’ desperate to unchain his people from the bondage of ‘Goliath’. Killing a few innocent Israeli children along the way is just a freedom fighter using the only means available to him

That is how the editorial board of the BBC sees the world. Does that make them antisemtic? They probably think they don’t have an antisemitic bone in their body. But I think they do, whether they realize it or not. They paint the Jewish nation (i.e. the Jews) as a bunch of baby killers even if they regret using the term. If that isn’t antisemitic, I don’t know what is.