Sunday, November 26, 2023

More Info on Accessing Comments

In the interests of trying to solve the problem some are still having getting access to the comments, I am happy to post this suggestion sent by Michael Sedley a reader and occasional commentator to Emes Ve-Emunah. His words follow:

This has been a problem for me for several weeks - I finally found 2 solutions that work - Rav Harry, you may want to suggest the following in a short post (as by definition, users who cannot access the comments will not see this comment).

When you open the blog, if it opens to:
Delete the "s" at the beginning to access an unsecured version of the site, i.e.,:

If this doesn't work, you can access the comments directly by logging into:

This shows the comments by themselves, without the text of the blog post (which you need to open separately)

Kol tov, (and good to finally have access to the comments again)