Sunday, December 24, 2023

Israel or Hamas - Who is Really Guilty of Genocide?

Palestinian suffering? Absolutely. Innocent? Not so much.
One of the most striking revelations to me about Palestinians is the extent of their support for what Hamas did on October 7th. I have always said that there are :Palestinians that would make peace with Israel  given the chance.

Not that they necessarily love us. But that they would prefer living in peace and getting on with their lives over forever suffering the bloodshed of constant conflict. But I no longer believe that. It appears that the hatred instilled into every single Palestinian from cradle to grave is so fierce that when something like October 7th happens they celebrate and consider their dead to be martyrs. 

Celebrating that kind of barbarism is immoral in the extreme. In my view it separates them from the rest of the civilized world. There have been numerous polls that have exposed them that way. Like this one recently cited by the Wall Street Journal (excerpted by VIN): 

82% of (West Bank Palestinians) believe Hamas’s murderous attack on Oct. 7th was legitimate, according to local pollsters 

Think about that for a moment: Gang rape followed by murdering the victims of that rape; beheading of children; setting them on fire in some case while alive, the outright slaughter of 1200 Jews, taking hundreds of Jewish hostages - raping  their female captives and tormenting them all both physically and mentally (based on testimony of some of the freed hostages). ...all legitimized.  

Now let us compare that the unprecedented devastation of Gaza. 20,000 Palestinians have been killed in the war so far and about half of Gaza has been turned into rubble. Millions have been displaced and in many cases are near starvation. Images of  bloodshed and depravation abound in what seem like an endless and  merciless attack against innocent civilians. 

Images like this are behind the calls for a cease fire by the UN. One might even legitimately ask why the US doesn’t support that? Isn’t that the most humane and moral position to take? Isn’t that asymmetry a fair way to judge the immorality of Israel’s tactics?

Absolutely not! As noted many times Israel tries to spare Palestinians despite their legitimization of Hamas’s barbarism against us. 

The reason for that asymmetry is that Hamas makes sure that as many civilians are killed as possible for maximum impact on the world sympathy. Doing so by using civilians as human shields. Especially in sensitive areas like hospitals  There is no denying that.

What about the asymmetrical aftermath of October 7th? After all 20,000 people is a lot bigger than 1200.

I’m sorry but I don’t pity in the slightest the downfall of people that support Hamas and celebrate their barbarism against Jews. No matter how innocent they may seem to the casual observer of the nightly news. 

Although the images of immense suffering by Palestinians surely generate a ton of sympathy - that should not lessen Israel’s resolve to get the job done. Regardless of the human cost.  

As I keep saying, their exponentially greater number of casualties is not Israel’s fault for 2 reasons. One is that the crime committed by Hamas - legitimatized by the vast majority of civilians - requires a response. Had Hamas not done that, those 20,000 dead Palestinians would still be alive and still living in their homes. The second reason is the well known fact the high number of civilian casualties is the direct result of Hamas using them as human shields. Deliberately embedding themselves in hospitals for maximum effect. Which will garner world sympathy accompanied by accusations of Israeli genocide. 

The idea that the asymmetrical number of Palestinian deaths should somehow give Israel pause is as immoral as it is ridiculous to blame Israel for it.  

For me the issue is very clear. It is either us or them. There is no middle ground. Israel must continue to try and avoid civilian casualties, but by no means should they consider reducing the ferocity of their attack against pure evil. Their very existence is at stake. Anyone think otherwise is in essence promoting the genocide the Jewish people. Whether they realize it or not.  

Israel must no fall victim to the false narrative that they are the ones guilty of genocide. Nothing could be further from the truth. A cease fire will on the other hand allow Palestinians to continue their genocidal mission against us via the agency of Hamas,

A word about the hostages, In my view  Israel  should accept the Hamas offer to release the histages in exchange for a permant cease fire. Once they arereasled, they should resume with full force thier mission to destroy Hamas. I have not the slightest problem wiht Israel breakijg that agreement once the hostages are returned. 

Defeating Hamas is no different than defeating ISIS. Rergadless of how many civilians Hamas puts in Israel’s way.  Do  not be fooled by their narrative blaming Israel for the suffering of their innocents. Yes they are suffering. But they are not all that innocent.

Getting rid of pure evil is the ultimate justification for Israel’s war.  I only wish the rest of the world understood that simple fact.