Thursday, December 21, 2023

Israel's Moral High Ground

Secretary of State, Antony Blinken (Politico)
To me, it seems so obvious. The war in Gaza is about as just a war as they come. And yet the constant refrain from the left is that innocent civilians are dying and millions more are suffering cataclysmic devastation. And Israel is to blame. 

I have said this many times. The optics of this war are terrible. All those bombs being constantly dropped in Gaza by Israel as well as the casualties resulting from the ground war has resulted in as many as 20,000 Gaza Palestinian casualties. (If you believe Hamas’s numbers.) Most of  them are women and children. (Again, according to Hamas). How many were Hamas terrorists is unknown. Surely many of them were since they were the ones being targeted.

But still, it’s hard to argue with those images and that data, if that is all you know. But to those of who know a lot more, those casualties are not Israel’s fault - as I have repeatedly been saying. Even if one were to say that Israel was targeting civilians (which is patently false) you would have to believe that Israel seeks out women and children as their preferred targets. Only an antisemite would say something like that. But that is exactly what Hamas wants people to believe. It isn’t Israel that seeks to harm woman and children. It is demonstrably Hamas that does that. As was the case on October 7th.

Those that are not just casual observers realize that the massive number of Palestinian casualties are the direct result of Hamas embedding themselves among densely populated civilian areas in Gaza. Areas where there would be the maximum number of civilian casualties. And they damn well make sure that more women and children are in those areas then are men.  In order to get the maximum impact of the world’s revulsion - which is directed at Israel

A ploy they have been very successful at. The constant images of the carnage and screaming bloodied survivors make it easy for the casual observer to blame Israel. But those of us who aren’t just casual observers know the truth. The 20,000 casualties are the direct responsibility of Hamas for purposes of gaining world sympathy and blaming Israel for it. 

They want the world to call for a cease fire so they  can survive another day and keep committing atrocities against the Jewish people. Until they restore the glory of Islam by creating the Islamic state of Palestine in all of what is now Israel. They do not keep their intentions secret. And they are more than willing to sacrifice 20,000 martyrs that include women and children.

With all of those bloody images of Gaza Palestinians crying bitterly over the calamity that has befallen them, not once did they turn their anger toward Hamas.

Those of us that are not just casual observers understand why they haven’t. It’s because they support Hamas as their leaders and support what they did on October 7th. A recent survey revealed that fully 75% of all Palestinians- including those on the West Bank support Hamas and support what they did!

The UN is not just a casual observer. They know all of this. They are deliberately ignoring it. And they are  trying desperately to pass a cease fire resolution that the US won’t veto.

For the casual observer that might seem like a reasonable demand. After all, won’t a cease fire benefit everyone? Doesn’t a cease fire mean that there will be no more Palesinians and IDF casualties? 

But those of us that are not just casual observers understand that to allow one of the most violent terrorist organizations in history - who have sworn to do October 7th over and over again until Palestine becomes theirs would be a concession to evil of the highest order. It is no different than if a cease fire had been called between the Axis and the Allies before Hitler was defeated. 

To ask the victims of Hamas to stop instead of asking Hamas to surrender. is exactly what the UN is doing. Which is why I liked what Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at a press conference yesterday. And it’s not the first time I’ve heard him say it:

“What is striking to me is that even as, again, we hear many countries urging the end to this conflict, which we would all like to see, I hear virtually no one saying – demanding of Hamas that it stop hiding behind civilians, that it lay down its arms, that it surrender. This is over tomorrow if Hamas does that. This would have been over a month ago, six weeks ago, if Hamas had done that,” Blinken said during a press briefing at the State Department Wednesday.

“How can it be that there are no demands made of the aggressor and only demands made of the victim,” Blinken went on to say.

That comment was - or should be - directed at the UN.  

Unfortunately I have not heard any other US official say that. Even tough Blinken and all members of the Biden administration are on the same page. Only Bliken has articulated that side of the administration’s position.

Here’s the thing. I wonder how much of the American public is more than just casual observers? I don’t know the answer to that. But I believe that the vast majority of the American people are fair minded and - given enough information - will do the right thing. And completely back Israel without reservation. Do they?