Friday, December 15, 2023

The Day After….

Much of Gaza today is uninhabitable (AP)
I’ve been around the block more than a few times in my life. So I will not be surprised by the various opinions about what happens after Hamas is eliminated? What comes next? Who will rule Gaza and how will they rule? 

I can easily predict what some of the answers will be based on the politics and biases of the respondents.

The liberal view (as expressed by the president) is that Gaza cannot be occupied by Israel again. Instead the the more ‘moderate’ PA (Palestinian Authority) should take over. 

Moderate? Well compared to Hamas, I suppose they are more moderate. But that’s like saying Stalin was more moderate than Hitler.

Handing over Gaza to the PA  is a ‘no go’. You cannot hand over territory to a governing body whose leader is a Holocaust denier - and both lauds and rewards people for killing Jews.

Then there are the right wing extremists on the other side that insist Israel must reoccupy Gaza permanently. And restore settlements that were there before Israel evacuated it.

Giving up Gaza turned out to be a bad idea. Which we have learned the hard way. On the other hand it  would be criminally irresponsible to place Jews in harm’s way in Gaza. Especially after bombing Gaza into the dark ages. Palestinian anger at Israel has probably never been so fierce. Although in my view that anger is misdirected. It should instead be directed at Hamas. 

But I digress. Point being the safety of Jews living in Gaza would be at maximum risk. So no matter how much settler types would be willing to live under those conditions, it should never be allowed.

So if neither option is viable, what is Israel going to do after the war?

These are my thoughts. At first  Israel has no alternative except to occupy Gaza militarily but benevolently. They cannot afford to leave Gaza to chance. Israel’s security depends on that. But it should be temporary. The goal must be to eventually install some sort of benevolent Palestinian governing body. Which is possible in my view.

While it’s true that most Palestinians alive today were weaned on Jew hatred, there are some that realize that Jews are not the devils they have been indoctrinated  to believe we are. There are in fact small pockets of Palestinians and Jews that - not only get along - but work together in common cause. Given the right opportunity, we can learn to live with each other in peace, harmony, and even friendship. There have been numerous instances of that which are undeniable. 

I have always said (and still believe) this is a tiny and insignificant minority. But it does exist. There are Palestinians that are open to the idea of getting along. These are the very Palestinians that should be cultivated. Eventually after experiencing positive social interaction with us Gaza could be handed over to them.  

Of course they must be of leadership capability and educated in how to lead a country. But first they must be thoroughly vetted by the kind of experts that can determine whether or not they really do want to get along. There can be no doubt about their peaceful intentions. There is no room for error. 

So even though most Palestinians hate us, there are some that are nonetheless willing to try and get along with us as peaceful neighbors. Their goal as leaders in Gaza should then be the restoration of Gaza as a livable habitat.

I believe that is the key to a successful, future for the Jews and Palestinians to finally live together in peace and harmony in the future.

One may incredulously ask if I am sane - making this kind of suggestion. Is that goal even possible at this point in time - considering that Israel has turned most of Gaza into a parking lot? ...with tens of thousands of casualties, causing – not only near impossible living conditions but also extreme emotional pain to Palestinians there? Many of them (most?) have lost loved ones. Many of whom were very young children and many of whom were elderly. Not to mention all the severe permanent injuries (like lost limbs or blindness) suffered by many of the survivors.

Impossible to remedy that kind of devastation? One might think so. But it was done before quite successfully. 

After Germany was defeated by the allies in World War II, the US decided to not simply walk away leaving Germany and all of the Axis powers with punitive sanctions. And then let them fend for themselves. That was done to Germany that after World War I. And it did not end well. It produced a Hitler, who was responsible for the greatest mass murder in the history of the world.

Instead, the US did something else. They devised and implemented the  Marshal Plan. Described by Wikipedia and in part  reads as follows: 

The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was an American initiative enacted in 1948 to provide foreign aid to Western Europe. The United States transferred $13.3 billion (equivalent to $173 billion in 2023) in economic recovery programs to Western European economies after the end of World War II. Replacing an earlier proposal for a Morgenthau Plan, it operated for four years beginning on April 3, 1948, though in 1951, the Marshall Plan was largely replaced by the Mutual Security Act

The goals of the United States were to rebuild war-torn regions, remove trade barriers, modernize industry, improve European prosperity and prevent the spread of communism. The Marshall Plan proposed the reduction of interstate barriers and the economic integration of the European Continent while also encouraging an increase in productivity as well a the adoption of modern business procedures. 

What was also set in stone was that Germany could never have a standing army. I believe that is still in effect today.

What happened in Europe after WWII can happen in Gaza after the defeat of Hamas. I see no reason it can’t under the right Palestinian leadership (which cannot be the PA) and the material participation of the US and our allies. And especially with the participation of friendly Arab nations whose massive wealth could contribute mightily to that cause

Once Gaza is rebuilt and becomes a city with a viable economy where Palestinians can prosper... a city whose people no longer desires to see our demise - we can talk about a Palestinian state that would be modeled after the new Gaza. It will take time. But it’s worth the wait.

I believe it can be done if the world wishes it. Unfortunately I doubt that it will as long as there is UN around. Too many Jew haters there. But it does exist in the realm of possibilities. 


And now a short note unrelated to this post. I would like to express my relief at being informed by one of the most prolific commentators here - that he is OK.  Starwolf is currently contributing to the war effort as a reserve member of the IDF. Which is why he hasn’t been able to contribute his wisdom here during this period.

I have met starwolf. Although we sometimes passionately disagree, we often agree just as passionately. He is a brilliant, accomplished, and  well respected scientist.. I met him a few years ago in Israel, when he made a Shiva call to me during Shiva for my late brother.  I can attest to the high degree of mentchlichkeit he has. And I am elated that he is doing well. May he stay healthy and safe... and return to us here soon.