Tuesday, January 09, 2024

American (and Arab?) Support for Israel

Saudi Arabia 'Absolutely' Open to Normalization with Israel (TOI)
The optics of the war in Gaza is definitely taking its toll on Israel’s image Three months of daily  bloodshed, dead bodies, food  shortages, and destruction of dwellings cannot but elicit empathy from the typical observer.  It’s a miracle that the tide of public opinion hasn’t turned against Israel. 

But I think there is a reason for that. Those protesting the war tend to be in sync with Iran. They are all saying practically the same thing. Threats against Israel if they do not stop the war against Hamas are being made by groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon and  Houthi rebels in Yemen. All terrorist proxies of Iran.

I have to believe that the typical American observer does not see Iran in any kind of positive light. And knows about the historic hostility of Arab world against Israel. They have to realize that Israelis are the good guys here. And that Hamas which is supported by Iran are the bad guys. 

The typical American observer has to know that Israel never had any intention of going to war with Hamas - had they not committed one of the most savage massacres in the history of the Jewish people. They have to know that the typical protester against Israel is either of Palestinian descent, grossly misinformed, or are just plain old fashioned antisemites. It is impossible for me to believe that the American people which recent polls have shown to so strongly admire the Jewish people and all they have accomplished would suddenly turn on them and agree with a terrorist state like Iran, their proxies, and Palestinian protesters. 

It should not go unnoticed that the Arab world has been relatively silent about this war. Even though they have been demanding a cease fire, their past angry condemnations of the Jewish state have been muted if made at all. A indication to me that they may secretly support Israel here. Not only that  but they are actually looking forward to making peace with Israel after the war. From the Times of Israel:

Saudi Arabia is still interested in pursuing a normalization deal with Israel after its war against Hamas in Gaza ends, an envoy from the Gulf nation said Tuesday.

Prince Khalid bin Bandar, the Saudi ambassador to the UK, told the BBC in a radio interview that Riyadh is still open to establishing ties with the Jewish state as long as it is part of an overall two-state solution. 

My how times have changed. Saudi Arabia is one of the most important Arab states in the Middle East. They seem to be giving Israel a pass on the over 22,000 Palestinian civilians (according to Hamas) killed by Israeli attacks in Gaza. As well as a pass to all the devastation that has accompanied that. They consider Iran and proxies like Hamas as much of a threat to their country as Israel does to theirs. Thay are on the same page that way.  I guess the old Arab adage is true: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Even if he's Jewish. 

Just a  few rambling thoughts