Monday, January 01, 2024

The Palestinian Cradle to Grave Indoctrination of Hate

Palestinian terrorists in training (TOI)
This morning I saw a video (reproduced below) of the Jew hatred young Palestinian children are taught in the classroom. It shocked me - even though it didn't surprise me. It is precisely the reason I shed no more tears for their suffering than I do the suffering inflicted by the allies on Germans that supported Hitler. 

Anyone that supports our extermination does not deserve sympathy. That these young Palestinian children born innocent are systematically being turned into future ‘Hitlers’ is sad. But a reality nonetheless. Which is why it shouldn't be surprising that 82 percent of ALL Palestinians justified what Hamas did on October 7th.  

And yet the daily images in the media of human suffering coming out of Gaza are hard to watch. If one is not aware of the reality exposed in that video, how can it not elicit sympathy from the typically uninformed viewer? To not feel sympathy over a crying mother holding her bloodied dead baby saying ‘Why did Israel kill  her child?! He wasn’t a terrorist! - would make one inhuman.  

Hamas revels in those images - gladly providing human sacrifices heavily weighted towards women and children . They know the kind of sympathy it elicits - and who will be blamed for it! Images the media provides for the masses daily.

Gaza city in 2020 (VIN)
Underscoring all this is the constant and continual lies Hamas and other Jew hating terrorists have been spreading all over the world about Palestinian suffering over the 75 years of Israeli occupation. (75 years! Get it?) Using the media as their unwitting accomplices. In some case not all that unwitting but fully participating. A decades long false narrative has emerged about how Israel is responsible for all their misery. 

That lie should be put to rest by a post on X (formerly known as twitter) from Hoda Jannat, an Arab blogger and influencer. It should be read in its entirety. But here from VIN are some of the more juicy lies, myths, and misconceptions Jannat has exposed: 

Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people… has 36 hospitals,”

Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel.

Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone, and $120 million a month from UNRWA, and $50 million a month from the European Union, and 30 million dollars a month from America..

Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually think, but children of terrorists with machine guns and suicide belts who underwent special training by Hamas.

Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals, and mosques in Gaza are organized terror headquarters and ammunition warehouses

Suddenly we discovered that the supposedly doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists.

Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are kept in children’s rooms in Gaza homes.

Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book “Mein Kampf” were very popular in Gaza, and its translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza, or a portrait of the author… 

None of this is news to me. But based on the sympathy with which the media treats Palestinians one would have to believe that they are clueless about any of this. I am not aware of a single mainstream journalist  ever pointing any of this out. Thereby perpetuating all those lies and distortions - spreading them all over the world - to the joy of Hamas and company. 

All of which brings me to a recent  JTA article that reported the following: 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu laid out his preconditions for peace with Gaza in a Monday op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, saying, “Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized, and Palestinian society must be deradicalized.”

“These are the three prerequisites for peace between Israel and its Palestinian neighbors in Gaza,” Netanyahu wrote

I don’t think his position is arguable. You cannot make peace with a people so radicalized that they support the kind of terrorism against Israel Hamas committed on October 7th. The idea that the Palestinian authority should be given control over Gaza after the war would be a mistake of epic proportion. It will almost certainly lead to another terrorist group equal to or greater than Hamas in  their hatred. With Iran happily providing the resources to do October 7th over and over again until ‘Palestine is free from the river to the sea’.

If there is ever going to be lasting peaceful coexistence between the 2 peoples Palestinians have to be deprogrammed on a major scale. After watching that video, I’m not sure it’s even possible. At least not in the short term.

Israel has no choice therefore but to reoccupy Gaza. Despite the wishes of the US president. His intentions might be good. But he could not be more wrong inhis belief that Gaza will suddenly be deradicalized under a PA that glorifies terrorists - calling them martyrs and funding their families.

What about world opinion if that happens? It is noteworthy that most Arab countries have not been condemning Israel with as much vigor as one would expect. I haven’t really heard that much from them other than demanding a cease fire. That hardly sounds like any kind of serious condemnation. My guess is that they secretly support Israel’s mission and will be quite happy if they succeed. Especially the Gulf states. Which includes the all important Saudi Arabia. They have no love lost for Palestinians. And certainly not for the Iran supplied Hamas.  

It is with that in mind that I feel comfortable with Israel reoccupying Gaza. And providing  them with a benevolent military governing body. (But absolutely no settlements.) 

That will surely bring about a lot of noise from the Arab world and the EU. Maybe even from the US. But that is all it will be. Noise. The only states that will be apoplectic about it will be Iran and their proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. What to do about Iran and their proxies is a whole other discussion.