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3 members of a recent panel discussion on the tuition crises (Jewish Link) |
There was a panel discussion about that recently in New Jersey in which several educators participated. Various solutions were discussed. Some of them quite innovative. One idea was to get the New Jersey State legislature to pass tuition tax credits. Similar to one that was just passed in Illinois.
In Illinois, taxpayers can write of 75% of the tax dollars they
owe by contributing to a state scholarship fund that
will be distributed to qualifying parents who apply for it. The consensus among
panelists that was that the New Jersey legislature is not going to do that.
Other than the fact that teachers unions probably oppose
it there is no good reason not to try doing that in every state. Why New Jersey legislators would
oppose it escapes me. Unless they are
afraid of losing union support for their re-election.
In fact here is no reason that an actual voucher
system wouldn’t work. I know there are studies that show it doesn’t. But I
cannot understand why. Let us examine the issues.
The United
States has a compulsory public education policy. Today, virtually
every child in America is required to attend a public, private, or parochial
school that teaches the basics. The public school system is fully funded by federal,
state, and local governments with confiscatory tax policies.
Private and parochial schools are privately
funded. This means that parents mostly foot the bill. The rest of their funding
comes from philanthropic donations via a variety of fundraising efforts.
I have always questioned why a government that requires
all students to be educated in basic subjects and committed to funding it,
denies those funds to private and parochial schools parents. It seems to me that this is a form of
discrimination. The decision to choose
where to send your child should not be penalized. Wherever a student gets their basic secular education, it should be paid for by a government that has committed to paying for the education they mandate. That should therefore include funding that portion of a school’s budget that
teaches those mandated subjects. Regardless of whether it is a public, private or
parochial school.
Those who argue against doing so for parochial schools
say it would violate the establishment clause of the first amendment - separating church from state. Parochial
schools teach religion. End of story.
But is it?! No one is asking that any of their religious subjects be paid for by the government. But surely the required secular subjects should be. Why should parochial school parents be denied the same benefit public school parents have?
But is it?! No one is asking that any of their religious subjects be paid for by the government. But surely the required secular subjects should be. Why should parochial school parents be denied the same benefit public school parents have?
The government mandate to teach basic secular subjects combined with its commitment to fund it demands that all schools be treated equally. In my view it is unethical to deny private and parochial schools funding to teach same required courses they pay public schools to do.
I never understood those that oppose it on
constitutional grounds. I see no
violation of the first amendment.
Neither do states like Indiana that have instituted
voucher programs. Vouchers allow parents to send their children to the schools
of their choice - as long as the money is used for the educational purposes the
government mandates
In a parochial school - vouchers of course do not
pay for the expenses involved with the religious portion of a child’s
education. Nor should they. But they would substantially reduce the tuition load
parochial school parents are so heavily burdened with these days.
I see no valid constitutional argument against
vouchers if used this way. I see only a universal, moral and ethical application of the nation’s commitment to fund
the education of all of its children.
So why isn’t the Indiana model applied nationally?
I think the answer is the usual one: Follow
the money. Taxpayer dollars are not even enough to fund the public schools.
Adding private and parochial schools into the mix would mean operating at an
even greater deficit or raising taxes through the roof. Either that or funding
education at a much lower level per student than it is now. Which would mean lower salaries
for teachers. Or fewer of them by increasing class size. Which is not an educationally
sound policy.
This is why teachers’ unions are so opposed to
vouchers. The claim is that it will hurt
students. But I think the real motivation is that it will hurt teachers. That
may be true. But teachers should not come first. Students should.
Parents in parochial schools argue that without vouchers,
tax dollars they spend on public schools
do benefit their children at all. The counter to that is twofold. One: send
your children to public school. Two: those tax dollars do benefit parochial
school parents the way they do everyone living in a society that mandates its children
to have a basic secular education. Even though they do not necessarily have any children
in school.
Option one is not realistic. The greater benefit by far which is denied to private and
parochial students - is to parents that actually utilize the public schools
for their children.
There is also the claim that poor students will be
short changed by vouchers. That never made any sense to me. Unlike the present
where a public school parent must send their child to the neighborhood school -
with vouchers any parent, no matter how poor will have the opportunity to send
their children to a better public school. How does that short change them?
What might happen - which is what teachers unions
are really afraid of - is that certain neighborhood schools will have to close their
doors. They argue that many poor young people will no longer have a neighborhood
school to go to. How does that make it
better for them?
This is untrue. A bad school that closes is a good
thing. A public school teacher I know that works in the inner city told me that
many of the teachers end up just babysitting. Their students are not interested
in school. Many students
are passed through the system - graduating high school as functional illiterates.
It is also true that many of these young people end up in the street with all
the attendant negative influences in those neighborhoods. Some of which are crime
I am not going to go into the sociological reasons
for this. Other than to say that the culture in those communities is not one
that values education for a variety of reasons. Some of which are not their
fault. But that does not change the facts. Which are that a lot of taxpayer
dollars intended to educate inner city children are being wasted. Although
there are some students that rise above their adverse backgrounds, far too many
don’t. Which is why some of those neighborhoods are high crime areas.
Those who argue to keep funding those inner city schools
have good intentions. They will say that taking money out of the system and
placing elsewhere is the opposite of what those communities need.
Throwing good money after bad is not the solution.
It has been tried for decades without any real success. Although there are some
schools that have somehow turned things around, it should be obvious to anyone
paying attention that a lot of the money spent on those schools is
wasted. Many of the teachers there are being paid just to ‘babysit’.
Why not divert the money to where it will be spent
the way it was intended to be? On students that will actually be educated the
way the government says they should. Whether they are in public, private or parochial
What about the poor inner city students that will
be left behind? They do not have to be. You cannot change that culture
overnight. But you can change the kind of education they get to one that will
be more beneficial to them.
There ought to be different focus for a
neighborhood where the culture does not value or cannot value even a basic
secular education. The focus should instead be primarily on literacy and
vocation. Those who want more for their children can take advantage of vouchers.
Those that want to escape the life of the street that their neighborhood offers
them will I believe benefit greatly from vocational schools. It is a different
type of learning. One that will give them motivation to succeed by giving them
a marketable skill. Vocational schools will surely be more productive than those
currently in the inner city. And I’ll
bet that they would require a lot less taxpayer money
What about the inner city teachers who lose their
jobs because of school closings? Frankly teachers come second. Students come
first. Perhaps those teachers that can be retrained to teach in vocational
schools. This way they can actually earn their pay as teachers instead of being
paid to babysit. That would be a win for everybody.