Friday, March 14, 2025

We Want Moshiach... NOW!

Everyone Davens... and we Bait... and we Vart for Moshiach. He will only come when we Fahrtrugen ourselves. Everyone Davens... and we Bait... and we Vart for Moshiach. He will yet come... he Varts for for me and you.

So said my 4th grade Rebbe, Rav Moshe Mordechai (Oliver) Mayonayovitch in Yiddish (which he translated from the original Russo-Hungarian Pig Latin...  and then translated by me above from Yiddish into English.)  

I was reminded of these prophetic words when rummaging through the piles and piles of sacred materials in the crawl-space under my house, I happened upon an old video he gave my brother for his Bar Mitzvah. Which he promptly gave to me. Rav Mayonayovitch was a professional dancer who trained at Julliard before he became Frum. 

Longing not to forget what he learned at Julliard - he volunteered to do a dance video for the Agudah convention that took place on Rosh Chodesh Teves of 1958. He recruited his his 2nd cousin, Stanley Ketchupinsky (who, sadly, is still not yet Frum at age 136) to join him. 

After my Rebbe became Frum, he hung up his dancing shoes and became quite hardy - gaining a little weight. But he never lost his touch. Which can be seen in the video.

Unfortunately, my Rebbe and his second cousin did not receive any accolades or laurels for all the hard work they put into that video for that convention. Which is shocking considering all the talent that can be readily see in the video. The only explanation I can think of for that is that the video was played during the bathroom break in the middle of the keynote speech by then Vice-President Richard Nixon. So it never got the viewing it so richly deserved.

Obviously anyone that is even half asleep while watching it can see that this video is a magnificent display of the Torah true talent that my Rebbe and his not yet Frum 2nd cousin had. They deserve better. So I am presenting it here on this special day of joy - the day when exactly 65 years ago I had an acute attack of appendicitis and had an emergency tonsillectomy. 

Anyway here it is. Judge for yourselves,