Useful idiots: Jewish Voices for Peace (CNN) |
This is what the world of the left has wrought upon the
Jewish people - a left that has taken over academia. Powerful anti-Jewish
academic voices (under the guise of being anti-Zionist, not anti-Jewish) now
hold far more influence over students and administrators than the majority of
their colleagues, who have been silenced for fear of being accused of stifling
free speech. And now, Jewish Voices for Peace - a group of misguided young
Jews - are saying the same thing.
What makes this so insidious is that the left can claim
there is no antisemitism on their side of the political aisle since so many
Jews are joining them. This is why, whenever the subject comes up, they point
to extremists on the right as the real danger. "How," they will
rhetorically ask, "can anti-Israel protests be antisemitic if Jews are
doing the protesting?"
Adding to this faulty premise is the absurd suggestion
that what these Jewish anti-Israel activists are doing is actually the most
Jewish thing they can do in the sense that they are standing up for the most Jewish of all values - Tikkun
Olam. Which in this case means justice for Palestine.
And when the Trump administration tries to do something
about it, they are the ones called out for being anti-democratic. This is how
they characterize the arrest of protesters who are simply exercising their free
speech rights on behalf of a student who was arrested for doing the same.
The problem with Jewish Voices for Peace is that they have no idea what being Jewish is all about. Their complete ignorance is due to the lack of any serious Jewish education, which was instead replaced by indoctrination from equally ignorant Jews in academia or from heterodox rabbis who have perverted the profane to call it holy.
These are people who consider males engaging in homosexual sex a mitzvah if it makes them happy. People
who consider Chilul Shabbos (Sabbath desecration) to be perfectly fine.
People who eat ham sandwiches and pork chops regularly. People whose lives do not differ from
their non-Jewish neighbors in the slightest. In short, there is nothing Jewish
about them other than the fact that their males were circumcised - if that.
Jewish Voices for Peace were protesting the deportation of a man who supports Hamas, an organization that not only believes in the genocide of the Jewish people - if that’s what it takes to get back ‘their’ land from the river to the sea - but has actively tried to accomplish it from the moment they were created. Hamas considered it perfectly legitimate to achieve this goal by executing the worst atrocity to happen to the Jewish people since the Holocaust. With the promise to keep doing it until they achieve their aims.
They continue to hold innocent hostages taken at the time keeping them under draconian conditions (aided and abetted by Palestinian civilians) using them as bargaining chips. They murdered many hostages over the course of the 16 months since the attack. The latest being two babies, choking them to death with their bare hands, as well as murdering their mother.
Mahmoud Khalil is a green card holder who supports this vilest of Palestinian groups. Jewish Voices for Peace feel he should be left
alone to spew his hatred. Khalil is soft-spoken and seemed quite harmless
during his arrest, adding fuel to the protesters' cry that this is nothing
more than government suppression of free speech.
By identifying as Jews, Jewish Voices for Peace are implying
that they speak in the name of Judaism. They want to send the message that
Judaism is all about allowing people to say whatever they want about Jews - even
if that includes leaving genocide open as an option to achieve their goals.
Identifying themselves as Jews is nothing short of misleading the world about
what Judaism actually stands for.
That is why ignorance of one’s own Judaism can be as great a
danger to the welfare of our people as actual antisemitism. It places a Jewish
imprimatur on the vilest of hate speech in the name of free speech - speech
that can and has motivated violent attacks against us.
Frankly, I am happy to see that Khalil was arrested, and
that another pro Hamas Palestinian who violated her student visa was arrested
too. Hopefully they will soon be outa here! I am equally pleased that some of these Jewish protesters were arrested. And overall - I
am incredibly pleased with how the Trump administration is handling
And while I’m at it, I could not be happier that the
president decided to attack the Houthi rebels in Yemen, telling them that ‘They
ain’t seen nothing yet!’ if they retaliate. They have already promised that
they will. I can’t wait to see what happens next. The president also warned
Iran to stop supporting the Houthis and to stop spreading terror, or they won’t
like what happens to them next. It wouldn’t surprise me if that means a joint
plan with Israel to attack and entirely destroy Iran’s nuclear program.
I’m glad we have a president with the courage to do the
right thing. It’s about time. Now, if only his domestic policies on the economy
made any sense. That would be the cherry on top. They don’t except to the
overpaid union members who are the reasons their jobs were exported to foreign
nations in the first place. Like Canada where it’s
cheaper to make the goods once made here and are now imported from there.
Sadly, tariffs will raise the price of foreign goods. Making
them more expensive than overpaying union workers to make them here. Either way
prices will go up. And probably never come down. And the consumer will pay the
Oh well. Can’t have everything.