Sunday, November 12, 2023

Israel Must Not Be Deterred

Tens of thousands around the world protesting Israel's war with Gaza 
My apologies for sounding like a one note samba. But its hard to focus on anything else with my people facing extinction. So here are my current thoughts.

My fears have gone from predictions to reality. The constant bombardment of Gaza projects images so terrible, that it’s easy to forget what brought about this reality. Unless you are Jewish or at least sympathetic to our plight and understand what is really at stake, you are going to see carnage at the hand of the Jews. 

Unfortunately the mainstream media is doing little to disabuse the casual observer of what seems like an obvious conclusion - blaming Israel for everything. Sadly, therefore, those images are generating a lot of sympathy for suffering Palestinians. Making matters worse is what’s happening in Gaza’s largest hospital, Shifa. Palestinian doctors working in those hospitals are in a matter of fact way reporting about the consequences to their patients of Israel’s siege. Patients that rely on  lifesaving equipment which cannot operate without fuel for which Israel is blamed. 

Here too the media is doing little to dispute that narrative with the truth. Which is that Israel has been trying to provide fuel directly to Shifa but they are being thwarted by Hamas. Why is Shifa under siege? because Hamas has a command center in tunnels just below it.

Meanwhile the anger of Palestinians and their sympathizers all over the world keeps increasing. Manifesting itself in the increasing numbers of people joining protests. All of which are demanding a cease fire.

Unfortunately those images are getting to a least one European leader, French President Emmanuel Macron. He is buying the media's insinuation that Israel isn’t paying sufficient attention to civilian casualties. He is now asking for an actual cease fire. 

The UN has accused Israel of war crimes because of all the civilian casualties without a hint of blame going to Hamas for those casualties. (Why am I not surprised?!)

Arab nations are now meeting and condemning Israel as well. (No surprise there either.) 

Even the US has begun to talk about the fact the ‘too many civilians’ are being killed.

Well, yes. Too many Palestinian civilians are being killed.. But not because Israel targets them. The exact opposite is true. Hamas supplies their own  civilians (including children, the sick, and elderly) as human fodder by placing their terrorist infrastructure amid them. Israel on the other hand does whatever it can to minimize civilian casualties. 

Including  allowing several hours every day to allow Palestinians to evacuate the actual war zone providing corridors to safe zones in the Southern part of Gaza. Hamas has responded by firing upon those corridors in order to prevent them from leaving. Which the media has mistakenly blamed Israel for. Thankfully most Palestinian civilians are ignoring those attacks and leaving by the thousands.

But these civilians are not entirely innocent. Not when they refer to their civilian victims of this war as martyrs. Not when so many of them have been brainwashed to see Jews  as descendants of pigs and monkeys. That is what so many of them keep hearing from cradle to grave. When they see bombs dropping, those preconceived notions are reinforced. That makes Hamas heroes in their eyes. Which is why not a single one of them has expressed the slightest bit of sympathy for the Israeli victims of Hamas atrocities on October 7.

I find it difficult to have much sympathy for civilians that believe we should be killed. And instead cheer when that happens - handing out candies to little children. According to one American official I heard today, there is in fact a good chance that at least some of the hostages are being held by Gaza civilians.   

Not that I think non combatant Palestinian civilians in Gaza should be killed. But forgive me if I don’t quite have the same sympathy that I would have for innocent civilians that do not cheer when Jews are killed.

What about Israel mission to destroy Hamas? Is that even possible? I sure hope so but this may be the most difficult challenge ever faced by Israel. By orders of magnitude. 

The enormity of Israel’s task cannot be overestimated. There are over 300 miles of terror tunnels deep under ground reinforced by concrete. 

Think about that. Chicago is about 300 miles from Detroit. It take a minimum of 4 hours driving at 70 mph to travel that distance on a super highway. These tunnels do not have superhighways. Israel’s military superiority will not help the IDF in underground tunnels. Bombs, planes and tanks are unusable there. Electronic communications are practically non existent. Making matters even worse is the likelihood that many of the hostages are being held there. Hamas will definitely have the advantage. They have figured out how to overcome Israel’s military superiority.

I have no clue how Israel is gong to deal with those obstacles. 

This morning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was intervened on Meet the Press. Regardless of how one feels about him... regardless of what share of the blame he has for the security lapses... regardless of how much he is hated by so many of his own citizens and so many people here in the US... Netanyahu is masterful at explaining Israel’s position. 

He kept repeating Israel’s goat to rid humanity of Hamas. And that Israel will not be deterred by those calling or a cease fire. He rejected the idea that Israel does not do enough to spare civilian lives by describing the lengths the IDF goes to in order to avoid civilian casualties. Insisting instead that it is Hamas that is really responsible those civilian deaths by making sure that their own civilians are placed in  harm’s way so that Israel will look like baby killers. He rejected that Israel is at fault for Shifa Hospital’s lack of fuel adding that Israel offered to supply it but was thwarted by Hamas. 

Its a pity that  so few people watch those Sunday morning ‘talking heads’ shows. I this case it would have given clarity to what Israel has gone through; why they have gone to war; and why they are completely justified in how they are  prosecuting this war.

Bottom line, Israel cannot be deterred from its mission. They must not be delayed by a cease fire that will prolong the war.  and. They must do whatever it takes to fight for their very existence. And make clear that a cease fire would cause even more casualties. 

Hamas is not only a threat to Israel’s very existence. They are a threat to modern civilization. Made possible by their sponsors in Iran. Which also sponsors Hezbollah terrorists and Houthi rebel terrorists in Yemen. The civilized world will eventually have to deal with that outlaw nation. I do not relish the thought of the US going to war with Iran. But it may not have any choice.

In the meantime, may God bring a speedy victory for the Israel, and the Jewish people. A victory that will be first step in preventing the entirety of the civilized world from being overtaken by the Islamist fundamentalism of Iran - and their savage cohorts in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, and increasingly in Iraq.