Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Evils of Extremist 'Patriotism'

Screenshot of unconscionable extremist stupidity
I have not lost any sleep over the high number of ‘innocent’ Palestinian casualties. And am in fact sickened by the not so subtle blame the mainstream media places entirely upon Israel for that. 

To just cite one instance from ABCs ‘This Week’ - moderator Martha Radditz practically begged an administration official and a Democratic senator to condemn a report that fell short of concluding that Israel had breached international law. The report did not go far enough in assigning full blame upon Israel for all the Palestinian casualties. They held back going that far because of the dense civilian population in Gaza  and the Hamas tactic of using civilians as human shields

Martha tried so hard. She wanted Jewish blood. As does Senator Chris Van Hollen who said that report should have been conclusive. Radditz kept referring to him as though he was right. But they wouldn’t budge. And they are Democrats. Radditz was disappointed. As I’m sure most of the rest of the mainstream media’s  ‘blame Israel first’ crowd would have been.

I have very little sympathy for Palestinians these days. They are a people that wish me dead. People that have those feelings instilled in them from cradle to grave. I have very little sympathy for people who cheered what Hamas did to us on October 7th.  People who have not expressed a word of sympathy for the Israeli hostages and their families. Not even before the war. 

Let me be clear.  Again - as I have been many times in the past. I do not in any way support harming a single Palestinian non combatant in Gaza. Let alone deliberately killing them. That would be murder! But shedding a tear for them?!  My tears are reserved for the suffering of my own truly innocent people.

I used to think that if you give them enough carrots, there would never have to be a stick. That even though they didn’t like us, if we gave them the opportunity to prosper and live together in peace with us that they would choose that option over a lifetime of suffering in poverty as refugees. 

But I was wrong. After decades of life in their own domain, instead of building a society of freedom and opportunity, they elected leadership that built terror tunnels from which  to continue their ‘armed struggle’ against the Jews and get their land back. All of it. From the Jordan River on the west to the Mediterranean Sea on the east. No matter how long it takes. No matter how long they must remain refuges under impoverished conditions. 

Now I’m sure they did not bargain for what they are getting now. But that only makes the more determined than ever to carry on with the ‘struggle’. Refusing to recognize their own leaders responsibility for their suffering. Instead blaming the Jews more than ever.

This is why the 2 state solution which I once supported is now an impossible dream that only fools and certain Democrats believe in. It was a great idea in theory, but the realities of Palestinian hatred of the Jewish people and their determination to get all of Palestine back is a firewall that will never be breached unless a miracle of biblical proportion happens.

I wanted to show where I’m coming from before I comment on the following story from AP:

The White House has condemned an attack on an aid convoy heading to Gaza by Israeli settlers who threw packages of food into the road and set fire to the vehicles.

Video of the incident on Monday at Tarqumiya checkpoint, west of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, showed settlers blocking the trucks and throwing boxes of much-needed supplies on the ground. Photographs from the scene showed piles of damaged aid packages and drifts of rice and flour across the road.

Late on Monday, photos began circulating on social media showing the trucks on fire.

“It is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and looting these convoys coming from Jordan, going to Gaza to deliver humanitarian assistance,” US national security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters.

“We are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this,” he added. “We are also raising our concerns at the highest level of the Israeli government and it’s something that we make no bones about – this is completely and utterly unacceptable behaviour.”

Much as I am appalled by - and even angry at - the administration for withholding armaments from Israel at a time of war (as are all Republicans and even some Democrats) I agree with them about this.

I am so done with these setter types that think they are aiding the Jewish people by destroying food packages destined to go to starving Palestinian refugees. 

Let us even assume they were trying to prevent those food packages from getting into Hamas hands. Which is quite possible. Hamas has indeed been commandeering much of that aid for themselves and selling leftovers to civilians at exorbitant prices.  

Even if that was their motive, the horrible images of religious, Kipa wearing young Jews pulling humanitarian food packages meant for starving refugees off of trucks; smashing them to the ground; and torching the truck is disgusting in the extreme. The idea that some of the food might go to Hamas terrorists is not an excuse for doing what they did. 

I am so sick of these settler types taking matters into their own hands. If they broke Israeli law by doing this (as I’m sure they did) they ought to be separated from their families and thrown in jail for a very long time. What did they think they would accomplish? It will not slow Hamas down in the slightest. Hamas will proceed without so much as a blip in their stride

One more thing. Sure as I’m sitting here their apologists will rise with righteous indignation over my condemnation and defend  these ‘wonderful young patriots’ who have in the past presumably served honorably in the IDF on dangerous assignments. ‘Patriots’ much the same as mass murderer, Dr. Baruch Goldstein. Or Rabin assassin Yigal Amir. 

Well with ‘patriots’ like these our enemies won’t have to wait too long to see our closest and most vital friends completely abandon us. The government of Israel – as right wing as it is – must deal harshly with these unpatriotic young zealots and send a message that they will not tolerate  this kind of behavior from anyone ever again!