Thursday, July 11, 2024

How Pro Israel is the Democratic Party Platform?

Elianne Farhat (The Forge)
If there is any question about which political party represents Israel’s best interests, the current debate over what the Democratic party platform should be should settle it. 

Not that either party is a panacea for the Jewish people. However, by far the Republican platform support for Israel with is far more enthusiastic than even those in the Democratic party that support Israel.This should not surprise anyone. 

You will also not hear any Republican questioning Israel’s military tactics. Nor will you hear any of them blaming Israel for the high number of Palestinian casualties in Gaza. To a man (woman) they place the blame where it belongs. Right at the doorstep of Hamas and its backers Iran. 

Democrats - with the exception of a few courageous souls like Senator John Fetterman and Congressman Ritchie Torres - will often frame their support in a conditional context.  More than a few will blame the high number of casualties on Israel’s conduct in the war. Some (including more than a few that are nominally Jewish) suggesting that the US make its military aid conditional on a permanent cease fire!

This is reflected in the debate now going on about the Democratic platform. Where one will hear voices in favor of the traditional Democratic full support of Israel. But you will also hear from people like Elianne Farhat, who is of ‘Lebanese and indigenous American descent and the executive director of TakeAction Minnesota’ As reported in JTA, she said the following: 

“I’d ask you to consider the overwhelming sentiment among our constituents: 80% of Democrats support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, 52% of Americans and 62% of Biden voters advocate for halting arm sales to Israel,” she said. “These numbers are reinforced by tens of thousands rallied nationwide.”

She urged the United States to advocate an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and an embargo on arms sales to Israel.

I do not understand how anyone who has a Jewish soul could in good conscience support a party debating whether it should even continue supporting Israel when there is a party that unequivocally and unconditionally supports it.

It might be true that political party platforms are meaningless with respect to the way its nominee will govern if elected. But it is also  true that it reflects the combined sympathies of its members. Democrats are a big tent party comprised of a variety of people reflecting a wide swath of political philosophies. Which run from center/left all the way to progressive... to Democratic socialists. They all have a voice and together impact the ethos of the party.

There are some sincere sitting congressman and senators (some of the nominally Jewish) who say they care deeply about the Jewish state but will nevertheless criticize it because of policies implemented by its sitting prime minister. They will say they love Israel but can’t stand its prime minister. And then proceed condemn him and his polices. 

I reject the idea that sitting legislators can condemn in the harshest possible terms Israel’s sitting prime minster and claim to support Israel at the same time. It is one thing for Israeli voters to feel that way. That  Israeli citizens are divided about Netanyahu is no secret. But if the US is going to be an ‘unbreakable’ ally to Israel, supporting it should not depend on the politics of its sitting prime minster anymore than support for the UK should depend on the politics of its sitting prime minister.

It is these congressional Democrats who suggest conditioning their support for Israel on their own ideas about what’s best for her. For example demanding Israel commit to a 2 state solution. As though they know better than the vast majority of lsraeli politicians (on both the right and the left) who reject that idea in the near term.

One will not hear any Republican criticizing Israel’s current prime minister or any previous prime minister. As I said. Their support for Israel is unconditional.

There is little doubt in my mind that just about any Republican running for any office will support Israel unconditionally. The same cannot be said for every Democrat. Not even close. How that isn’t abundantly clear to everyone is a mystery to me. And yet sure as I am sitting here, the vast majority of Jews in this country will vote Democratic.