Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Two Messages: The Moetzes and Rav Weiss

Image for illustration purposes
The Moetzes of the American Agudah has doubled down on how it views the Matzav (situation) in Israel in which the Charedi world finds itself. They view it as a tragedy of epic proportion comparable to a spiritual holocaust. The following is in part a message they entitled ‘This is a Decree of the Torah’  which they sent out yesterday: 

Now, we come to matters pertaining to our present time, as in this generation numerous troubles and severe decrees have arisen against the Am Hashem in general and specifically targeting the Torah and its scholars, and the young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. Policy-makers, with malicious intent, aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars, requiring the students of our holy yeshivos to abandon their study benches in the beis medrash and enlist in the military. They scheme with various tricks, and their hand is still outstretched, poised to persist. Moreover, decrees are being issued against young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. All of this is reminiscent of the decree of burning the Torah. 

The rest of the message was basically about increasing prayer and Torah study - and for those so inclined - taking upon themselves a half day fast as a means of God intervening on their behalf..

I don’t even know where to begin.  The idea that the these government ‘decrees’ were made with malicious intent to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars is so obviously false on its face - I don’t know how can they say that! 

There is not the slightest doubt in my mind that if the Charedi leadership would allow some of its students to be drafted, that there would still be far more Charedi students learning Torah in Israel than at any other time in Jewish history. And government funding would never have been cut. Just as it hasn’t been cut to Hesder Yeshivos where their Torah scholars combine Torah study with army service. 

It should also be clear to anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to what is going on for the past 9 months, that the reason the government is doing this has nothing to do with disrupting the sanctity of Torah scholars. There are in fact Torah scholars now serving whose Yeshiva funding has not been touched. It has to do with the shortage of manpower needed to fight enemies that are determined to annihilate all the Jews of Israel. Including Charedi Torah scholars.

Sure, they mentioned (almost in passing) the following: 

Woe to the ears that hear daily of our brethren falling as casualties, being killed and captured, Heaven forbid, and there is no day whose curse is not greater than the previous one. 

But that is followed by ‘Upon whom can we rely? Only upon our Father in Heaven.’ 

Message? Pray even harder and learn even more hours.

I am not going to discourage prayer. Or any of their suggestions. Increased prayer and Torah study is surely required at this time. But I have to question their perceptions of the Matzav. And their willful ignorance of so many Torah scholars that are serving in the IDF - risking life and limb doing so. Do they not count as Torah scholars? Are only Charedi Torah scholars worthy of that title? 

If only they would experience what Rav Asher Weiss experienced, maybe they would have a change of heart. Or at least acknowledge that this ‘decree’ is in no way a decree against Torah scholars. After  watching the video below, I teared.  I am not going to describe it. It must be seen and it speaks for itself.

Aside from making me very sad, it also made me angrier than ever. Because Charedim are completely immune from any such result in their lives.. Do they not realize how grossly unfair that is? 

Nobody wants to die or suffer permanent injury in war. No one in their right mind wants to be put in harm’s way. But the idea of letting other people do it while you stay safe with an explanation that Torah study exempts you from that - is a Chutzpah of major proportion. Especially when there are so many Torah scholars that do have the courage to do the right thing, serve, and risk their lives during an existential war.

Charedi mothers might be grateful that their sons aren’t exposed to these dangers. But they ought to also feel some shame at the fact that they are spared the dread felt by mothers of sons (among them Torah scholars) who do serve. 

It is with the greatest amount of respect that I therefore would ask the Moetzes to watch Rav Asher Weiss’s description of what he encountered. And address what I see as a gross inequity if the Charedi world continues to insist on staying immune to the the dangers of combat.