Monday, July 24, 2006

HaRav HaGaon…

There is a certain arrogance that pertains to some right wing Roshei yeshiva which is absolutely galling. Yet they retain great prominence in the Yeshiva world and tremendous loyalty from their students. But when to it comes to basic Halacha it is almost embarrassing to see them in action.

Such was the case a few years ago when I attended a wedding where such a Rosh HaYeshiva was the Mesader Kedushin (the officiating rabbi). This was no ordinary Rosh HaYeshiva either, he carried one of the most prominent names in the Torah world and was the son of a true Gadol, one of the last generation’s greatest and most prominent Rosshei Yeshiva… both in Europe and in the US.

He had all the trappings: Long beard, Kapoteh, Yeshivishe black hat, and walked around with a Sefer in his hand the whole time. You could see the respect he commanded from his Talmidim, not the least of which was, of course, the Chasan. There was a palpable sense of awe emanating from the Chasan, his friends and the two fathers …all directed towards him.

So what’s my problem? I’ll tell you. During the Kabalas Panim He was very meticulous in making sure all the Chiuvim (Requirements) were correctly done. One such Chiuv was making absolutely sure that not only the Chasan made a Kinyan Chalipin (symbolic acquisition) on the Kesubah in front of the Eidim (witnesses) so as to be Mischaiv himself (obligate himself) on its terms… he also made absolutely certain that the Eidim made a Kinyan Chalipin, too.!

I’ve seen many a rabbi do this as well but, I just chalked it up to basic ignorance. But, when I saw a Rosh Yeshiva with such a prominent family name do it , I was a bit surprised. I walked up to him afterwards and respectfully asked him exactly what the witnesses were making a Kinyan on? He looked at me a bit sheepishly, his face turning bright orange and turned away to the behated, bearded, Kapoteh wearing Charedi guy standing next to me (I was wearing my Kippah Serugah) as though …he… had asked the question. He then answered the most unresponsive answer one could imagine… something to the effect of, “You know... there are Seforim…” Almost a verbatim response like that! No follow up after the three dots. Just: You know... there are Seforim…”! To a fellow that barely heard me ask the question!

This is nothing short of pure ignorance and pure arrogance. He obviously had incorporated a common mistaken practice in to his “act” and when confronted with it he just feigned that it was somehow legitimate and that he had some sort of phantom source. And I was treated as though I didn’t even exist! So not only was he ignorant and arrogant, but he was insulting! He refused to even acknowledge that he might have made a mistake. This was, remember, not just a Rebbe, not just a Mashgiach, and not just a no name RY of a small Yeshiva but a major name in the Torah world. (I’m not sure how big his own Yeshiva is.) And he commanded that kind of respect.

There is today’s Yeshivishe role model for you. He had dozens of very Charedi looking Bachurim there… all fawning over this man who had absolutely blundered in a very basic Halacha and had no respect what-so-ever for anyone outside of his own community.

And then he had gall to do something Roshei Yeshiva rarely if ever do… speak at the Seudah. He started a harangue about how wonderful the world of Torah is that eschews all the Falchkeit (fakery) of the world including their secular education and by contrast how Emesdic his world was. He praised his Bachurim, especially the Chasan who exemplified that Hashkafa and was going to continue learning full time for as long as he could.

Now I will grant that this is but one individual case. But I will not grant that it is the only one in existence. But even if he is the only ignorant and arrogant Rosh Yeshiva with such disadian for people outside of his circle in the world, he is getting away with it. And educating students along these lines year after year… all of them integrating themselves into other Yeshivas and communities, all of them teaching their own children such Midos Ra’os such as the near hatred of Frum Jews who aren’t Right wing enough… and God knows what else.

Have I seen arrogant and ignorant Modern Orthodox leaders? Sure. Plenty. But it is the right wing that constantly sets themselves apart as the true standard bearers of the Torah. They say that they are the real wave of the future.

And you know what? They may be right. And I am terrified of that prospect.