Sunday, December 09, 2007

Blogs and the Jewish Observer

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. An article about Orthodox blogs appeared in the latest issue of the Jewish Observer which makes me wonder if there are any truly thinking people in charge over there.

The gist of the article is that all blogs are no good. Even Charedi ones that are mostly informational like Yeshiva World.

The author of this piece is a fellow by the name of Zvi Frankel. But it may as well be that banned poster, Chaim Yankel. The opening statement reads almost like he wrote it himself. This fellow apparently must use the internet and comment on some blogs. He tells us about one such comment he wrote: “Don’t you realize that it is forbidden to write any of these posts…. That this page is being Mevazeh Gedloim and Talmidei Chachamim? Then he tells of the blogger’s response which sent a shiver down his spine “Everything on this page is L’Shem Shamyim”. Frum people are writing these blogs and transgressing a major sin!

That’s it. A blogger says he is doing it L’Shem Shamyim and Mr. Frankel automatically discounts it! No explanation as to why a blogger felt that way. Only that he is automatically wrong. The not so subtle implication is that it is not possible that someone can actually be writing critical pieces about rabbinic decisions that are L’Shem Shamyim. It’s is a no brainer to him. If someone says something critical of a ‘Gadol’ it can’t possibly be right. It can only be called the transgression of a major sin.

One might think that he is only speaking about certain blogs who are unquestioningly being Mevazeh (disparaging) ‘Gedolim and Talmidei Chachamim’. I might have agreed with him then. I have in fact been very critical of such tactics even in cases where there were good results. One can be critical and effective without being disparaging.

But Mr. Frankel did not make any such distinction. According to him (and to the editors of the Jewish observer who approved the article) one may not at any time say a critical word about a Talmid Chacham. It is automatically Lashan Hara to do so.

This fellow is so obviously wrong that he deserves a condemnation no less severe than the one he made against blogs. It is not that all blogs can’t use improvement. Of course they can including mine. We all make errors from time to time that should be corrected. There is always room for improvement. Especially in medium that is in its infancy with respect to the potential impact it can have on the Torah world. And it is extremely important that bloggers act responsibly when trying to make that impact.

But to condemn the entire enterprise as evil because he says it violates the Halachos of Lashan Hara shows once again the black and white nature if Charedi thinking. If there is a problem with a medium that has much value, don’t fix the problem... just throw out the medium. If it is abused by some in the context of Lasha Hara it is to be avoided at all costs.

To say that criticizing Rosehei Yeshiva is an automatically evil act of Lashan Hara is patently false. Does anyone for a minute believe that one may not report a child molester to the police just because he is a Talmid Chacham? Or that one should not criticize a Rosh HaYeshiva who has covered up a sex crime by one of his Rebbeim?

That is what he seems to be saying. There is no way that criticizing the behavior if a rabbinic figure can ever be justified. Doing so sends a shiver down his spine. Apparently it is a lot worse than allowing him to continue covering for a child child molester. Nope! There can never be a Toeles... a legitimate purpose. It is all Lashon Hara.

The fact is that it is not all Lashon Hara. Reporting child molestation does not violate the Halachos of Lashan Hara. That is obvious. And this doesn’t apply only to cases of child molesting. Any time information contributes to the welfare of Klal Yisroel it should be reported.

By writing this article Mr. Frankel actually contributes to the acrimony. No one is going to stop reading blogs because of it. What it will do is increase the vitriol. This article implicitly gives people license to smear anyone who disagrees with his position. Trust me. I know what that is all about.

To him all blogs are evil. Even a blog like Yeshiva World because its very existence gives tacit approval to other blogs

One wonders how the Mr. Frankel (...and by association the Jewish Observer) deals with Agudah spokesman, Rabbi Avi Shafran who participates regularly in a group blog known as cross-currents. In fact he is the first writer listed. Why is that OK?

It is so sad and yet so predictable that the Jewish Observer allows drivel like this in its pages. They ‘shiver’ and are outraged by scorn heaped on Gedolei Yisroel… when they are guilty of it themselves. Can anyone ever forget the shameful bio they did on Rav Soloveitchik? Can anyone underestimate the hurt that was generated to his family and thousands of his Talmidim? That’s OK?! What’s the matter with these people?!

They are selective in what they condemn as Lashon Hara. A selectivity that undermines their entire credibility on this issue.

Had they done a thoughtful review of blogs that would separate the respectfully critical blogs from the outrageously scornful ones, I would have agreed with them. But to lump us all together as equally evil.. is itself evil.

There is a difference between questioning what a ‘Gadol’ said or did and saying some of the horrible things said by some bloggers. Had Mr. Frankel been responding specifically to that, I would have applauded him. But as it is, he comes off as a mind numbed robot parroting the Charedi view that nothing promotes Torah better than sticking your head in the sand.