He has in the past shown not only a willingness to reach out to others and promote Achdus in Klal Yisroel but has actually done some concrete things in that regard. However nothing tops his most recent accomplishment.
I received the following e-mail from Marty Bluke:
There is a very long positive article about R' Shachter, RYBS and YU. They actually call YU a "fortress of Torah" and R' Shachter is described as "average height but colossal stature". For anyone who learned at YU this article is a must read.I have to say I am stunned that a Charedi magazine would publish such a positive article about a YU Rosh Yeshiva. I can't wait to see the letters in the next few weeks.
I too am stunned. I haven't bought this week's issue yet but I definitely plan to.
*Consider the comments of so many right wing figures that have referred to Yeshiva University (YU) as Treif/Pasul.
*Consider that Rav Elchanan Wasserman would not set foot into YU.
*Consider that some of the right wing's biggest rabbinic leaders have called the Rav an Apikores and former YU president and current chancellor, Dr. Lamm a Sonei HaShem.
*Consider that Yeshiva University has been strongly criticized by past Gedolim like Rav Gifter and current right wing Roshei Yeshiva like Rabbi Chaim Dov Keller.
*Consider all the controversy about Yeshiva University’s curriculum,
*Consider its student housing policies with respect to gays.
*Consider that some right wing rabbis and Roshei Yeshiva say it is Assur to attend YU and that it’s better to go to a secular college.
*Consider that Rav Hershel Schachter has been persona non grata at Agudah events (i.e. he will be boycotted by significant elements of Agudah if he were to be a featured speaker or scholar in residence).
*Consider that YU’s philosophy of Torah U’Mada is roundly rejected - if not outright condemned by most right wing rabbis and Rosehei Yeshiva.
…and those are just some of the controversies at YU - off the top of my head!
*Now consider that even though Mishpacha Magazine is not officially connected to any right wing rabbinic leaders - it definitely does not publish anything that they would generally oppose.
This is truly an amazing breakthrough. If it was done L'Shma for purposes of Achdus – which I believe it was - I applaud Rabbi Grylak for his courage. I do not always agree with him. But Achdus does not mean agreement. It means respecting each other’s differences. I never met the man. But there is no doubt in my mind that Moshe Grylak is all about Achdus and doing the right thing.
Hat Tip: Marty Bluke