Sunday, March 23, 2025

Has the World of Lakewood Gone Awry?

BMG students attending R' Feldman's lecture (Lakewood Alerts)
If there was ever an example of how certain segments of Orthodoxy are  ‘Krum’ (going down a crooked path despite their Mitzvah observance) this is surely it.

No, I have not lost my mind and joined the chorus of the Charedi world that talks this way about Modern Orthodoxy (...even my own Centrist version of it). What I am talking about is the Charedi world itself.

I do not say this lightly. Unlike many of my fellow Modern Orthodox Jews, I do not harbor any malice against my Charedi brothers. On the contrary, despite some of the serious issues I have with this community, I nevertheless honor and even envy their commitment to Torah study and a lifestyle that consists of much sacrifice toward that endeavor. Their dedication to mitzvah observance often involves the strictest forms of adherence in all ritual matters, often at great expense. Even in matters of Bein Adam L’chaveiro - they live up to their reputation of kindness and generosity of both time and money to help others. Most of the Charedim I know are like that.

So why do I think Charedim are on a crooked path? Ironically, it was about opposition to an event that I actually support and is, in fact, getting broad support among various Charedi rabbinic leaders (both in Israel and here).  As well as the vast majority of Charedi publications (e.g., Mishpacha). They are urging everyone to vote in the WZO (World Zionist Organization) election so that observant Jewry will have more power and influence in Israeli government decisions. Not to mention a bigger piece of the financial pie that is distributed to the WZO’s member political parties. I agree with that goal. My only quibble is that the observant vote should vote Mizrachi (the Religious Zionist party) for reasons beyond the scope of this post.

Even though we all seem to be on the same page about this, it just ain’t so. The fact is that the BMG (Lakewood) Roshei Yeshiva are adamantly opposed to it. How opposed? On March 19th, Rav Aharon Feldman addressed BMG, urging anyone with the slightest inclination of participating in that election - not to do so. His opposition is so strong that he declared the Charedi establishments and publications that advocated for it be boycotted!

To be fair, R’ Feldman is consistent. His rejection of Zionism is ideological. He does not grant any religious validity to the state, seeing it as just another secular government that Jews have to deal with the way they would any other country. Only that this one is worse in the sense that it is - and always has been anti-religious.

His point being that participating in a Zionist election for purposes of gaining political and even badly needed financial support is tantamount to recognizing the validity of ‘the evil, anti-religious Zionist government.’

R’ Feldman, who heads Ner Yisroel - a more centrist Charedi Yeshiva - is nevertheless almost Satmar-like in his rejection of Israel’s legitimacy. He differs from them in that he considers it acceptable to participate in their government, just as it would be to participate in any other foreign government - for purposes of representing the needs of his constituents.

This, in and of itself, is not why I have raised the Krum argument. I was made aware of a letter (apparently from a member of that community) published at VIN that made a scathing attack against that event - for what I thought was a good reason.

As Charedi publications go, VIN is the only one with the courage to speak truth to power. Something that previously led to Charedi leadership calling for advertisers to boycott them. (I believe it has since been rescinded.) Now, they did it again by publishing the aforementioned letter. As you can imagine, it got pulled almost as soon as it was posted. It can no longer be accessed at VIN. But the issues raised have not gone away. To put it the way they did in their headline:

    Lakewood Is In Crisis, But Our Leadership Is Busy Yelling About Shtusim

First, the writer noted that R’ Feldman was basically preaching to the choir. No one there was going to vote in the WZO election (sadly). And yet, they stopped all their Torah study to hear a lecture about that.

Secondly, if they are going to interrupt Torah study, there are plenty of crises happening in that community that deserve this kind of attention and are not being sufficiently addressed. If at all.

What are the crises they talked about? The following is from their now-deleted post:

  • How many suicides have we buried in Lakewood over the past year?
  • How many overdoses have left families shattered beyond repair?
  • How many divorces have torn apart homes, leaving children wandering between worlds?
  • How many yesomim have been added to our streets in the past year?
  • And what about the thousands—yes, thousands—of children and teenagers lost to us?
  • The ones smoking on Shabbos, scrolling through TikTok, slipping through our fingers while we waste time on irrelevancies.

Mental illness is rampant and ignored. Families are struggling to put food on their tables. There are streets in Lakewood that are a battleground of pikuach nefashos—life-and-death stakes playing out just beyond the walls of BMG.

And yet, this is what demands our attention? This is why we stop limud haTorah? An election that no one in the room was voting in anyway?

Indeed. If what VIN posted is anywhere near true, then the path upon which the premier Charedi Yeshiva of the world is traveling down is the wrong one. BMG has truly lost its way. The only way to describe what just happened there is to accuse them of what they accuse those the slightest bit to their left of. Despite their otherwise altruistic lives, they have now become Krum.