Monday, March 24, 2025

What Jewish Education Should Look Like

Yesterday, I had the sublime pleasure of attending the Chanukas HaBayis, the ceremony celebrating the opening of Arie Crown Hebrew Day School’s new multi-million-dollar campus. To say that it exceeded my already high expectations would be an understatement. I cannot begin to describe what I saw. The new state-of-the-art facilities surely rival the best elementary schools in the nation - bar none. And I’m not just talking about religious schools; I mean every elementary school in the nation.

To cite just one example, the new facility boasts four separate science laboratories. If I dared to describe the other innovations, I would surely leave out a great deal, so I won’t even try. Instead, I invite anyone who wants to see what kind of facility an Orthodox Jewish religious school is capable of producing - come to Chicago and behold it firsthand. You will not be disappointed.

One might wonder where the funding for this masterpiece of a school came. I can only speculate. But the answer might be found on the donor list displayed near the entrance of the building. There were 3 names that stood out.

Arie Crown’s motto of excellence in both Limudei Kodesh (Jewish studies) and Limudei Chol (secular studies) aligns perfectly with the Torah U’Mada (Torah and secular knowledge) philosophy of the late Joseph Walder. Dr. Walder, an Orthodox Jewish scientist, sold his DNA manufacturing business for well over a billion dollars and was a passionate supporter of Jewish education of the type taught at Arie Crown.

Another major benefactor was my late friend Morrie Esformes, a longtime supporter of Arie Crown and a past president under whom I served on the executive board. A highly successful businessman and philanthropist, his name is found on the buildings of nearly every Orthodox religious institution in Chicago and many others worldwide. He lived to give Tzedakah, and Arie Crown was among his most cherished recipients.

Additionally, the Crown family, a prominent secular Jewish philanthropic family whose generosity is well-known throughout Chicago, lent its name to the school many years ago and has been a significant supporter ever since.

But they were not alone. The donor list includes Jewish philanthropists from across the entire spectrum of Orthodoxy (including many from the Charedi and the Modern Orthodox world) who donated generously, .

That is Chicago.

And that is exactly what Arie Crown represents. Yesterday’s opening ceremonies were attended by a who’s who of Orthodox Judaism - right, left, and center.

However, what makes Arie Crown great is not just its facilities. It’s who they teach and how they teach. The student body consists of children from families with a variety of Hashkafos (religious outlooks). Deep friendships form between students from Modern Orthodox and Charedi homes, friendships that can last a lifetime. I see it happening all the time. The school does not preach one value system over another. The only values it promotes are excellence in Torah study, excellence in secular studies, observance of Halacha, and a love of Israel. All in the spirit of Jewish unity.

With this in mind, I recently read an article in Jewish Action Magazine about parents who send their children to schools whose values do not align with their own. I didn’t need to read the article to know that this often leads to tragic consequences, the exact opposite of what parents hope for their children.

If a home is strict but the school is lenient, children will question why they must follow stricter standards and may rebel beyond just a particular stricture. Conversely, if the school is strict but the home is lenient, it undermines what the school is trying to teach. This, too, can lead to rebellion.

To me, this is simple logic with an obvious potential downside. But it isn’t always obvious to parents. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard a parent say they are sending their child the more ‘religious’ school, believing that it is easier to be more lenient at home than to be stricter than a school they perceive as less strict. Only to deeply regret it, later. Many parents have paid the ultimate religious price for that kind of thinking.

This issue is far less likely to occur at a school like Arie Crown, where students come from diverse Hashkafic backgrounds. For example, if one child follows the stricter standard of consuming only Chalav Yisrael, that choice is respected by the child who does not—and vice versa.

The end product of a successful Arie Crown student is a well-educated and well-rounded individual who will thrive in any high school they choose. Whether it be a Modern Orthodox school that prioritizes academic excellence or a Charedi yeshiva that focuses almost exclusively on Torah study. This doesn’t mean that some children won’t fall through the cracks. And that is tragic. But logic dictates that the closer your child’s school is to what is seen in the home. The less likely it is that something like this would happen

So, as I indicated -  it’s not just about the building. It’s about what is taught there. Arie Crown has a long history of producing high achievers in both Torah and secular fields.

I just wanted to take a moment to express how proud I am of the school where I sent all of my children. The great achievers they have become is in no small part, due to the outstanding education they received there.